Chapter 9

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Ace's Pov:

When I pick sleeping Elenor, bridal style,she starts moving and sleep talking.
"Stop.stop.stop. Please stop. Don-don't do it." She begs as tears escape her eyes.

It'd be very weird if she woke up to me holding her and if she keeps moving she's likely to fall out of my arms onto the floor. I flex my muscles underneath her to tighten my grip so I don't drop her and decide to do something that will calm her down.

I bring her closer to my face and whisper into her ear.
"It's okay. No one is going to hurt you. You're safe." Her breath slows as I stork her arm with my thumb.

I put her to bed in the guest room and close the door behind me. I meet Aspen standing in front of the room.
"Do you know what happened?" I ask keeping my voice low.
"Since when do you care?"
" just because I don't like her doesn't mean I don't want to know what happened. "
"I don't know. She didn't tell me yet, but don't have a good feeling about it. I know what her da- never mind I just think it's bad."

Aspens pov :

"By the way, you guys looked cute."
"What do you mean?"
"You know, you carrying her and whispering to her ear... kinda cute." I tease him knowing he doesn't like her but still hoping for it to change.

Believe me or not but my brother has never had a girl friend despite to his looks.

Him and El would look good together and I'd have a cool sister in law if everything went good. Besides I want my brother to die happy and he hasn't been for the past 15 years.

Elenor's Pov:

It's the next day and I'm helping Aspen to clean up after the breakfast.

"So..." she starts awkwardly. "You ready to tell me?"

To be honest I'm not but I feel like I need to.

"Yea..." we sit on a the couch and I make sure no one is around before I start speaking.
" when I got back yesterday no one was home, at least that's what I thought. I heard someone behind me so I turned around and I saw my dad and some other man. I guess he was around 50 years old." Tears start feeling my eyes as my voice starts to break. " they started talking as if I weren't there. My dad said that he needed weed and the man that he will "take me" " I coke on my tears, but I don't stop talking. "He-he than sa-id that we're gonna have fun. I was scared and than he tied me to bed and... and he than undressed both of us. I begged. Begged for him to stop, but he never did. "

She pulls me into a thigh thug and I break down in my best friend's arms asking myself, why me? What did I do to deserve this.

"He used me to get drugs... he let him rape me and tok monet for it, Aspen... why me ?" I whisper.

"Oh honey, I am Never letting you go back there, you understand me? You're moving in with me I don't care. You'll be safe, I promise." At this point we're both sobbing not letting go of each other

Aspens Pov:

It breaks me to know what she's been through. I can't even imagine how she must feel right now.

Both, the man she told me about and her father are going to pay for this. I'll make sure of that. However this can wait but what or rather who can't is El she needs support now. Eventually one of us is going to have to tell everyone to explain why she can't go back home and has to move in with us at least for a while.

I hope Ace wont make any problems.

Elenor's Pov :

"Are you sure it's a good idea for me to move in? I mean your brother literally hates me, so I don't think he'll be thrilled about it."

"I know he's been an asshole to you all this time but he's not as heartless as he seems, he'll understand. And if not he'll have to deal with it."

As we put my stuff in the guest room I remember the dream I had last night. "By the way, I had this dream last night. It's not the first time I dream about it tho. There was this garden, it was huge like a maze and so beautiful like a paradise. I had so much space and beautiful flowers in every colour. Oh and it even had a big swing at the end of it. "

"My mum has a garden, and it even kind of matches the one from your dream." She smiles at me putting the last t-shirt in the closet.

Last night I came here I knew I wanted to stay for a night or two because of what happened back at home so I took some clothes with me.

"Really? That's cool."


We finally have our first cute Elenor-Ace moment!!!!

I hope you guys likes this chapter.
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Love you all ❤️
Have a great day 😘

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