Chapter 23

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Elenor's Pov:

The day started off normally, I showered, ate breakfast and watched some tv before going to my room to take a nap.

It was supposed to be 30 minutes long, beauty sleep but it turned out to be a 4 and a half hours long sleep.

And you know that feeling when you wake up from a nap and feel so out of energy and basically don't know what's going on ? Yea, that's how I feel now.

I think it's gonna be best if I just go on a walk to get some fresh air.

Walking down the stairs I hear some guys talking in a serious tone.

"Hi. Didn't know you guys were here. What are you up to?"
"Nothing for you to worry about sis, go to your room." Jake says in a demanding voice, that kind of creeps me out.
"I was going out on a walk anyways I'll be back in an hour. Oh and you don't have to hide that your doing some mafia shit, I'm not a kid."


I was about to close the door behind me when I felt it being opened again by someone way much stronger than me.

I look up to see who the person, now standing in form of me is.

"We're gonna be done in like 20 minutes or so, with the meeting so when your back you can watch a movie with us if you want."

I smile at Ace's proposition and nod.
"Sure. I guess I'll see you in an hour." I wave at him and walk away.

Ace's PoV:

Closing the front door I get back to the boys to discuss some more mafia stuff.

Jake and I want to convince our fathers to hand over the mafia to us and they agreed to giving us 1 moth of showing them we can take care of everything.

So here we are, making plan for our potential mission that is going take place in maybe 6 months.

"I'm back." They all just look at me with smirks on their faces. "What?" I snap at them.
"Nothing, lover boy. Nothing at all."
"Shut the fuck up if you still want your dick attached to your body."

Elenor's PoV:

The weather is nice, a bit windy but it's fine I guess. I decide to go to the park and just stay there for a little. Maybe the ice cream booth is still opened.

I pass a lot of people who are already walking out of the park since it was starting to get dark.
I'm just gonna get my ice cream and start going towards my home too. I've been on this walk for like 40 minutes now.


The booth is closed so it means I walked all the way here, for nothing.
I hope we have ice cream at home because I am really craving some right now.

Walking down the streets of New York, I think about the fact that, there is going to be a dark alley that I am gonna need to go through but I don't unnecessarily stress myself about it. I've walked that way too many times to count and nothing has ever happened to me, so I confidently continue my walking.

Getting tired of the walk I start thinking of how much I want to take a seat but there is no bench near by and I'll be home soon so I guess I just gotta wait 10 more minutes.

Suddenly I hear car door being opened and than violently closed right away and fast footsteps behind me. My first instinct, is to try to see what or more like who, is behind my back and start running.
When I look over my shoulder I see 2 man with hoods on their heads running towards me and in that moment I thank myself for not just brushing off the sound of the car door.

I panic. Suddenly the whole exhaustion from before has disappeared and I just run. Run for my dear life.

My lungs can't keep up with the speed of my breathing and my throat burns, but I don't stop.

I've never ran this fast in my life. I can't even run at all but now, the adrenaline has made me a pro.

Looking behind me I still can spot them, running my way. I take the chance and take my phone out dialing Jake's number.

I wait for him to pick up, still running as fast as I can, looking for some coroners that I could run behind, so that I could lose them.

I am not stupid enough to start screaming for help because 1. it would make it easier for them to find me and 2. It's late and no one is even near.

Sorry the number you hav-

He's not picking up!

I try once again hoping this time he'll pick up.

Sorry t-

I hung up once again and start looking for other numbers I could call.

Dad is not in town same with mom. Jake is not picking up. I can't lose more time, so I have to call someone, I'm sure will pick up.

Ace and the other guys are with Jake so if they're watching the movie, like they were going to, they might not even hear it.

The girls.

I am gonna call Sofia. She can't help me but Easton is probably near her.

I dial her number and thank god she picked up right away.

"Hey gir-"
I cut her off and start explaining.
"Someone's chasing me. I don't know where I am and Jake is not picking up. Is Easton near you?" I say in a panicked voice.

"Shit! He's not! Fuck! Don't stop running and give me a minute I am near your house.I'll tell the guys. whatever you do, do not hang up!"

"I don't know for how much longer I can run. "
"Don't speak. It'll only tire you more."

I don't respond agreeing to what she said and wait for her to get to the guys.
I don't know if it's them getting faster or me slowing down but they are getting closer and it freaks me out.


Based on a true story tho. 😬I'm fine don't worry, but don't walk through dark alleys even with a friend.

Btw finally an exciting chapter.
Hope you liked it as much as I enjoyed writing it 😘

Love you all♥️

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