Chapter 21

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Ace's Pov:

The moment the front door shuts, my sister's laughter fills up the room.
"What's so funny?"
"I can't believe you're jealous."

"I am not jealous. It's just - I don't like the idea of her and Adam going out, that's it."

"you mean the idea of them going out or them having sex? "

Now that she brought that up I feel my blood running faster and faster with every second Elie
Isn't near enough for me to make sure non guy even looks at her in a sexual way.

"don't you have a filter on when you speak ?"

Sighing I take a seat on the couch and put on TV hoping to cut the conversation short, without giving Aspen answers to any of her ridiculous questions, and also hoping to get my mind off of El.

"Omg. You like her!" My sister jumps taking a seat right next to mine.
"I never said I did."
"You didn't have to. You basically Stuttered when you saw her in that dress. Oh come on. I am your sister and have way much more dating experience than you. Just tell me, I can help."

I did not stutter. I just. I found it difficult to breathe in here because of the perfume Aspen used. She basically showers in them yet she's always surprised why she runs out of them so fast.

Getting back. I don't like Elie. I mean I do but not in that way. And that is exactly what I told A.

"So you'd be fine if she would be kissing Adam or some other guy at the exact moment, like right now?"

"Yes." I said tensing a little witch my sister seemed to realise since she had a large grin on her face.

"How abut sex?"
"She's 19 she can do whatever she wants." I say looking right in front of me focusing on some random item.
"Loving. Would you be okay if El said she loved some random guy?"

I most likely would not be ok with that.

"I know what you're trying to do but I don- "

Shit. I don't like her like that. Do I?
Oh I am so fucked....
"- whater. I think I might."

I finally give in letting out a long breath that I didn't even know I was holding.

"That doesn't meter now. She's out on a date with Adam, they seem to like each other. "
"No one said the date will work out plus even if it does it's just a date not an engagement dinner. "
She stands up giving me the look of concern.

"Just start doing something to get her. Don't expect El to just randomly fall for you."

She takes off to her room but before reaching the staircase Aspen turns around.

"And remember if you hurt her I will cut your dick off. It's been on my to do list since you accused me of cheating while playing hide and seek."

"You didn't even know what a dick was back than!" I yell for her to only flip me off and disappear from my sight right away.

Elenor's Pov:

I got back to my place and waited for Adam to come and pick me up but he wasn't supposed to be here for another 40 minutes so I just decided to entertain myself with something in the living room.

We do have a piano in here and I remember always wanting to play piano as a teenager but obviously I never got to.

I try to look up some tutorials on the internet on how to play some simple melodies but when I try, I get completely lost and it doesn't really sound good.

I flinch when my terrible attempts on the piano are interrupted by a man's voice.

I don't need to turn to know it's Jev's voice but I do anyways so that I can face him.
"You don't have to lie to me." I say smiling warmly.

"Oh no, honey. You played terrible. I meant you looking beautiful." Chuckling he takes a seat on my left.

"I don't know if should thank you or get offended, tho." I giggle.

"We could work on that if you want. Your mum used to play a lot when she was pregnant with you. She could teach you if you want to."

"Really? That would be great."

"Why are you so dressed up anyways ?"
"I'm kind of going on a date. Well it's more like just hanging out to me but Aspen insisted on dressing me up."

"Who's the unlucky guy?"
"Wow, dad. I've come to realise you really enjoy insulting your own kids."
"Sweetheart before any guy's gonna put his eyes on you they gotta go through me so that's why he's unlucky. And about the insulting part, you'll see how fun it is when you have your own kids."

I can't help but laugh at his mindset.

"Well the unlucky guy you're asking about is actually Adam."
"As much as I'd love for you to date a guy that is not involved with a mafia, I know I can't forbid you since I run one myself, but just please, be careful, okay?" I nod and feel a kiss being pressed to my forehead before Jev leaves the room so I close my eyes and let myself melt into it.

After a little more time of waiting I hear a knock at the front door and go to open it.

"Hi." I say seeing that Adam is just as dressed up as I am and I immediately inter thank A for forcing me to put such an elegant dress on because it'd be every uncomfortable if I were dressed in sweatpants and he would pick me up in this fancy Armani suit.

"Hello, you look beautiful. Are you ready to go?"
"Thank you, you look great too. Let me just grab my purse and we can go."

He opens the car door for me and I make myself comfortable waiting for him to get in.

"So, where are we heading ?"
"That's a surprise."
"Oh. Okay. I actually love surprises."


Posting right away because of the long break that I took.

You can expect another chapter coming up in the next 20 minutes tho.😉

Love you all💚
Hope you liked this chapter 😘
Also don't forget to vote and comment.😄

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