Chapter 13

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Jev's Pov:

"Andreas Keller. Why?"

Andreas Keller.
The ringing in my ears starts again and I feel so weak. I've never felt weak, even the day Elie went missing and the day I was told she was dead.

"Are you good? You look like are about to faint. Here take some water." She says handing me her water.
"No. No I'm good. Uh actually." I look around but don't see anyone. That's when I remember they're at the pool. I go there and tell them to get out.

"The party's over. Go home."
"Oh come on old man don't be so-"
" I said out. Everyone. Now." Hearing my raised voice they stop arguing and just take their stuff and start leaving.

At that moment Elenor appears next to me.
"what's going on? Why are you guys leaving?"
"the party is over. You and Jake will stay in the living room until I ask you to my office" I inform her before anyone gets to answer her question.

I leave them all confused and get back to Frank.

I shut the door and take a seat not being able to process all of this.
"It's her."
He sighs putting his drink down with a helpless expression. "I already told-"
"I asked her. 2 questions. Only. And now I know it's her. She said her birthday was July 27th. I couldn't be sure until she answered my next question... do you wanna know what I asked her about?"

It was a rhetorical question so there was a short pause before I finished.

"I wondered what her fathers name was. So I asked her that exact question... her answer was Andreas fucking Keller. " I started uncomfortably laughing to the point my eyes watered and I couldn't breathe.

"It was her all this time. She was an hour away from here and just like that we never found her. Duh we stoped fucking looking for her when we believed she was killed. So fucking hilarious. Isn't it. "

I put my head in my hands while my laughter turns into crying.

"She was being abused for all those years. He made my little girl forget her own family and made her call himself a fucking father. I - I lo-st all those years with my baby. " At this point I can't even call this crying it's a hysteria.

I missed 15 years of by daughters life...

"I could fucking let them burn me in hell to only get those years back! Do you understand?! And I fucking can't do anything."

It's the first time in 15 years that a tear has left my eye and it's the first time in my life crying like this.

Frank puts his hands on my shoulders. "Get your shit together man. You may have lost the past 15 years but the world isn't ending yet so you can get the future with her back. Be fucking happy not miserable. You just got your daughter back."

After some time I calm myself down and start thinking straight again.
"How do we tell her?"
"Call Camila and tell her to meet us here. Maybe she'll know."

Taking the advice from Frank I call my wife.

"Hey honey."

"Where are you?"

"With Kate. Why?"

"Can you guys please come home and stringht to my office?"

"I guess.... Is everyone okey?"

"Yes don't worry about it, just be here as fast as possible."

After 10 minutes of waiting our wife's are sitting confused at my office.

" What was so important to the point we needed to cut our shopping short?"
"Not the right time for jokes Kate." Frank makes a tight smile at his wife. Something he always does when feeling uncomfortable with the situation.

"It's Elie."
"can you please not call El "Elie" ? It makes me uncomfortable."
"I am not, because I'm not talking about her-I mean I am but not really but-never mind."
"What do you mean? I don't get it."

A take a long deep breath before I continue explaining.
"Our Elie...she's alive... and it's El."

"Jevon if it's a joke it's not funny."
"I am not, love. The same age. Same eye colour, hair colour. Age. Name... it all didn't really draw my attention until today. Jake had a pool party. El was there. We were talking when I saw the birth mark. That's when I started going crazy. The heart shaped birthmark on her left hip just like our little girl's... I couldn't be sure until I asked her 2 questions.... Her birth day and father's name."

I look at the floor because I can't find it in me to look into my wife's eyes when I finish speaking.

"Her answers were... July 27 and.... Andreas.. Keller. "

All four of us look at each other, one by one without saying a word.

Suddenly I feel Camila's arms wrap around me and her tears wet the collar of my shirt.
"We found our baby?" She sobs into my shoulder not believing that we are finally getting her back

When we all calmed down we tried to think of how are we going to tell everyone and most importantly our kids.

"I think it's best if we just call separate family meetings. We'll tell Ace and Aspen and you will tell Jake and El." Kate suggested still processing the great news.

"Yea I think it will make it less overwhelming for Elie."

" I wonder how they're going to take it."

Frank is right. Maybe I can't get back the years that I've lost, but I for sure am getting the new ones. So I'll do everything I possibly can and make sure my daughter will not only call me her father but also love me like one.


Let me guys know how you liked it and feel free to correct me in the comments or ask if you don't understand something because I am writing this at 12pm and am fall asleep.

Love you all ❤️
Have a great day💘

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