Chapter 6

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Elenor's pov:

Monday morning as usually I get up to clean up the house and head to work.

When I get there Aspen is already waiting for me. "Hi." I wave her way and put my purse where I always do. "Hey." She answers with a little smile on her face but she seems to be in a different world today.

Her hair in in a messy bun and her make up is almost not there compared to what it usually looks like.

Something is up. "What's up you're acting weird today." She blushes and looks at her feet. "Nothing. Nothing at all." She smiles and I alleready know what's up.

"Okey I know whats going on. So tell me. Who's the lucky guy." I smile at her.
"We're not together yet but...we kind of kissed-"
"Omg just tell me who!!" I laugh yelling at her for keeping it for so long.
"Jake." She smiles and I gasp. "No way that's great I'm so happy for you! " we hug and than get back to work.

"Everyone is at work today so we could have my house to ourselves, we could have a little Taylor swift concert until my annoying brother comes back with Jake."

"Oh Jake you say." I tease her, easily making her smile.
"Stop. Haha. When they're back we could watch some horror movies."

"Horror moves? I thought you'd be up for watching TVD."
"Yea but I was hoping to have an excuse to cuddle up with Jake."
"That's so cute. But you sure you want me there and not have some alone time with your boyfriend ?"

"No, it'd be weird if I just randomly asked him if he wants to watch a horror with me. You'll be my excuse. I'm gonna ask him if he wants to watch the movie with us. Besides I need some support in case Ace will see us cuddle. He likes scaring guys away from me."

"What do you mean I'll be your support? He hates me so I doubt he will listen to me if I tell him to fuck off."

"Exactly that's how. He hates you so he won't want to be around you so he won't be around me and Jake either."

No one is at Aspen's house so we put tylor swift playlist to the maximum volume and scream the lyrics on the top of our lungs.

'm in the room, it's a typical Tuesday night
I'm listening to the kind of music she doesn't like
And she'll never know your story like I do
But she wears short skirts
I wear T-shirts
She's Cheer Captain, and I'm on the bleachers
Dreaming about the day when you wake up and find
That what you're looking for has been here the whole time.

We scream and dance jumping around the living room imagining it's our last concert on a sold out tour.

After we're exhausted from our tour we thank all of our imaginary fans for making this evening amazing.

"Hi, you're back" we say hi to Jake and Ace when they walk in but all Ace says is "hey sis." Making it clear he is not saying hi to me.

"Jake, we were about to watch a horror move do you want to watch it witch us?" I ask so that Aspen doesn't have to stress and make it look so obvious.
"Sure." He answers taking a sit next to Aspen but not too close to make her uncomfortable or Ace suspicious.

"I'm gonna stay and watch you two."
"What?" I ask clearly confused.

"Not you, them. I don't want to be an uncle yet."
"What do you mean?" Aspen snaps unsure of what's happening clearly stressed out.
"I saw you two kissing and it made me more disgusted then she does." He says pointing at me.

Well that hurt.
I don't know why he hates me so much. He didn't even get the chance to get to know me.

"The last part was unnecessary, bro, you know?"
Jake's voice was so full of venom at the moment but his face seemed more disappointed than mad. No one has ever stood up for me so it was nice at some point.

"Whatever. Put the movie on." He sits next to me and rises his hand to put behind his head but I get scared thinking he's going to hurt me and flinch.

All three of them look at me with questioning looks. "You good?" Ace asks me emotionless as always but it's still something at least he asked me if I was okay.

"Yea just- never mind. Let's watch the movie."

Aspen and Jake are cuddled up in a blanket looking as cute as ever and Ace is just sitting there making sure that they are not too close like an older brother he is, would.

I always wanted to have an older brother or just siblings at all because it would give me someone to talk to when I'm sad or whatever but I guess it's not meant to be. Maybe at some point I do have siblings. I mean mum left us, she might have had a child after that. I wonder where she is now. Is she happy?

I get thirsty so I tell them that I'm going to be right back.

While I was reaching for the glass my t-shirt went a little up.
"What is that?!" I turn around hearing aspen yell.
"What is what?" I asked confused.
"This! Does it hurt?" She asks touching the bruises on my belly.
"Now that your touching it, a little,yes." I whine in pain.

"Who did this to you?"
"My dad .... But it's okey I deserved it, I didn't clean up the house before going to work on Friday."

"No it's not okay! And you did not deserve it!" She hugs me and I can see tears forming in her eyes."He made you believe what he did was okay but it's not it's called abuse and it's definitely not okay . For how long has this been going on?"

"Since I can remember..." I say it more to my self hoping she didn't hear.
"What no! Please do not tell them I don't need them judging me."

"What they wo-" she gets cut off by Jake and Ace walking into the kitchen.
"What is it?" One of them asks.

There's a moment of silence between all of us. Me and Aspen speaking through our glances and the guys exchanging confused looks.

She sighs and looks back at them.
"I just thought there was a spider,but I was wrong. Let's get back to the movie."

While we walk to the living room Aspen whispers into my ear in a worried tone. "We have to talk later."

Okay so how did you guys like it?

Btw did anyone count how many times I used word "okay" in a sentence because it feels way too many.

Don't forget to vote and comment it means the world to me!!!!!!

Love you all.💗

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