Chapter 10

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Ace's pov:

I'm at my office doing my work when I hear a knock at the door. My sister doesn't bother to wait for any kind of permission and just walks in.

"Could you at least wait for an answer?"
"Yea, but it wouldn't annoy you so I'll just stick to walking in whenever I want to."
"Cut it short. I have work to get back to. What do you want?"

"Can El move in?"
I look at her in silence waiting for her to burst out laughing saying it was a joke.
"It's a joke, right?"
"Well, no. She has her own house."

"That's the thing, Ace. She won't go back there. I won't let her." She sits at the opposite side of my desk .
"Why?" I ask suspiciously.
"It's- sh- her dad he.. he abuses her, Ace. And that's not even all he did... it got really bad last night." she looks at me with a sad expression.

I wonder what else he did, but I don't think it's my please to ask since we don't even like each other.

"Okey, but not forever, deal?"
"Deal. Thank you so much." My sister stands up from her sit and puts her arms around my neck almost choking me.

Despite to what I seem like I'm not as heartless.
I know how much Elenor means to my sister so I just let her stay. I guess I'll just have to somehow get used to her, because it's either that or seeing my sister missable and I don't want that.

We'll have to set some rules but for now I have to finish my work.

Elenor's pov:

It's been 2 weeks since I moved in to Aspen and Ace's house. Her and Jake's parents as well as Jake and Ace already know why I had to move out of my house. Mostly. They only know about the abusing part. I am still too ashamed to talk about the fact that I was...raped.

They all have been so nice and understanding to me. Even Ace isn't as rude as he used to be.
I make dinner for everyone quite often. That is the least I can do to thank them for what they did for me.

Spending time with them is actually so fun but Jake has been getting on my nerves lately since he almost always beats me at every game...except monopoly, because I. Am. The best!
It's funny how easily you can get him annoyed over a pice of cardboard and some fake money.

The first day I met them I'd have never thought I'd say that but...they are the closest thing I've ever had to a family.

Reading a book I hear footsteps behind me, so I turn around and see Ace standing in his suit.

He probably just got back from work.

I'm not going to lie, he looks quite attractive but also intimidating when he wears it.

"Hi." I say putting a smile on my face and get back to reading.
"Hey. I came to talk to you."
"Oh. Okey then, what is it?" I ask putting my book down next to me wondering what he might want to talk about. We barely ever talk and if someone is trying to make an effort to start a conversation it's me. Never him.
"It's been two weeks since you moved in and we have to set some rules."


"Yes rules. Rule number 1 you mustn't bring anyone here unless I let you, I don't what any strangers snooping around. Rule number 2 don't enter my room or office without knocking and permission.
Rule number 3 mind your own business and don't try asking about our job. You don't wanna know. That's it. 3 rules. I don't think it's going to be hard to follow them, is it?"

"Okay." When he said he wanted to talk to me, I thought, maybe there was a little chance of him actually wanting to start a civil conversation and not just boss me around.

To be honest I never thought about neither his or anyone else's job but now that he brought that up and claimed that I didn't want to know I am now a little or maybe more than a little curious what they do for living.

I just shrug it off and pick up my book again trying to find the page I last finished reading on.
"what's it about?" He asks and I can't believe my ears. He's being nice. Wow. I think I might write it in my calendar to one day tell my grandchildren that I've experienced the 8th wonder of the world.

"A girl goes on a date with a guy and then accidentally kills him so she needs to hide the body somewhere and asks her aunts to help her. It's funny."

"How can you accidentally kill someone on a date?" He says taking a sip of my water that was standing on the coffee table in front of us.
"I guess you'll have to read it to find out."
"I don't read." He stands up leaving me alone in the living room.

"I don't read. Well no wonder why we're such an idiot." I mock him to myself, internally praying he didn't hear me.

Hearing my phone get a notification I pick it up.

Hi, you up for a party?

What kind of party?

A pool party. Aspen and only a few of my friends are gonna be there.

Sure, why not?

Great. See you tomorrow at 3pm

See ya.

Hello everyone I hope you had an awesome day.

BtwI'm taking a test today and I should be revising but instead I'm writing.

I hope you liked this chapter, let me know in the comments and also don't forget to vote.

Love you all❤️

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