Chapter 26

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Ace's pov :

"Fucking do something!" I scream at the doctors in rush of getting Elie to the surgery room.

"Sir if you don't calm down, we'll have our security walk you out of the building."

"If anything happens to her, I'll make sure you-"
I don't even get to finish my sentence before the doors are closed right in front of my face and I'm left, all alone in the waiting room.

I can't fucking do it. I can't lose her. Not when I just got her back ....

I slide down the wall and sit on the floor, not bothering to find a proper seat and just break down with my head in between my knees. Something I haven done in many, many years.


I missed.

The bullet hit Elie and shoot right through her body, hitting the guy standing behind her.

Not caring about the man I immediately run up to her, begging lord to let her live. "Elie! Elie! Please wake up! Stay with me El!" She doesn't respond and all I can feel at this moment is heat.

I don't think. I don't know what to do I'm fucking paralysed. For fuck's sake what have I done.

Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.

Blood. A lot of it! She's gonna fucking bleed out.
I pick her up and run to the car as fist as I can.
I don't give a single fuck abut the speed limit, I just rush to the hospital.

I'm half way through when I get a call.
I pick it up, not bothering to look at callers ID.
"Ace, where are you?"
"I found her, dad. I'm on my way to the hospital. I can't talk."

*end of flashback*

"Ace." My mother runs up to me, putting her soft arms around my shoulders, trying to comfort me.
It helps a little bit but only until, I hear the voice of my next victim.

"Where is my-"
"You fucking bastard." He didn't even get to finish, before my fist collided with his nose.

"What the fuck man?!" I punch him again and again and again until someone drugs me off of him. "Stop!"
"It's not the time nor the place to fight." My sister helps her boyfriend to get up while all I'm able to do is look at him with disgust in my eyes and only disgust.

"Why the hell would you fucking attack me ?" he asks me wiping the blood coming out of his hopefully broken nose.

"I don't know, maybe because if you didn't play some idiotic games with your sister and picked up when she was calling, we all wouldn't have to be here for God's sake!" I yell at him hoping he feels just as guilty as I do at the moment.

"You think, I don't feel like an idiot right now ? Believe me I feel way much worse bu-" he gets interrupted by Camila who is clearly done with our fight.

"You can sort it out later boys. What's important now is Elenor. We need to know what happened exactly." She looks at me with eyes full of hope, that make me feel even worse, because what she's about find out, is that I am the real reason her daughter is here because if I didn't miss she wouldn't be shot.

"I ... I-um- I missed...." I don't look at anyone. I can't. I am too ashamed. I've never missed and the first time I do it, someone I lo- someone I ....

Ugh fuck it

Someone I love might die.

"What do you mean you missed, Ace?" Jev asks me, already knowing what I meant but still hoping it's not true.

"There were 2 men holding her about to rape her when I got there. I shot one of them in the head but then the other one pulled out a knife saying he was going to kill her. They all spend too much time talking and not doing, so I knew  he'd be dead before he gets to finish his sentence.... The thing is, he was the same highly as El, so trying to shot him in the head was not an option .... He was standing very close to her and I .... I wasn't thinking I ..... I just wanted her out of his grip so I pulled the trigger and ..... and I missed.... Now she's here and I don't know if she'll make it...."

Saying the last sentence makes me realise, that I might really lose her for good and I know I won't make it if I do.

Because not only would she be dead but also I'd be her killer.....

"Fuck it, Ace don't you know how to use a gun?! What are you 10?" Aspen's voice breaks and tears make their way to her eyes very quickly.

Everyone is silent, now and I don't think anyone even knows what to say.

It's been 2 hours and we still don't know anything. My parents went to get some food and coffee for everyone but the rest has not even moved an inch since they got here.

Our heads snap, when a doctor comes out of the surgery room. "Is anyone here for Elenor Murphy ?" We all immediately stand up and wait for him to give us some information.

" the surgery went well, but she lost a lot of blood so she'll be in a coma for  the next few days.
she'll be fine and free to go, the day she wakes up. God has some really great plans for her, because if the bullet went 3 centimetres to
the right, she would have died the moment it hit her. "

3 centimetres, that's how close I was to killing the most important human in my life....

It's been 2 weeks and Elenor still hasn't woken up. She hasn't even moved a finger. All I've done for the past 336 hours is sit beside her bed, holding her hand, praying to God to wake her up.

I'm on the edge. I'm not an emotional person, but these past days I haven't been myself.

"Go take a shower, I'll stay with her." My sister walks through the door with a cup of coffee in her hand.
"No thanks."
"Haven't you thought that, maybe she was waking up when you were asleep, but then your smell sent her back to a coma ?"

"Very funny."

"I'm being serious, Ace."

She's right, I have taken a shower only once since we've been here and I do need one.
"Whatever, just let me know if anything happens, okay ?"


After taking a shower I quickly change into some nice clothes and look for my car keys, when I hear my phone ringing.

"Ace! It's about El!"


I don't how I feel about this chapter though.
I lope you loved it guys.💗
Have a great day, I love you all.💙
Also make sure to vote and comment😘

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