Chapter 15

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Ace's PoV:

This morning my mom and dad called a family meeting over something they found out yesterday.

Currently we're sitting in the living room. Me and my sister next to each other and our parents in front of us looking suspiciously anxious but also ...happy?

Oh fuck no I'm not having another sibling.

"Mum, please just tell us you're not pregnant."
"What? No, why'd I?"
"Never mind. What's the meeting about?"

"Well... your mum and I wanted to give you some good news."

Dad said taking mum's hand in his own and pulling her to his lap with a bright smile on his face.

"Elenor will no longer live with us-"
Aspen immediately interrupted mum standing up and unnecessarily shouting.
"What! No! Why?! And how the hell is this good news! I'm not letting you kick her out just like that she's my best friend you can't do that to me."

"Sweetheart calm down. We're not kicking her out." My mum is now sat next to A with a hand resting on her shoulder to keep her calm.

Elenor stoped bothering me some time ago and I thought my parents sometimes even liked her better than me so I was shook when they said the good news was her moving out.
Honestly I thought I'd be the first one kicked out.
Well maybe I should do it on my own considering the fact I am a grown ass man who should probably  have his life settled. A lot of people my age already have wifes, kids and all that shit but to be honest if I ever do that it's going to be for the sake of this mafia so that they have a leader after Jake and I retire.

"She'll be living with Jake and his parents from now on. Or shall I say their parents."

I don't get it.
"What do you mean their?"

They take a deep breath before explaining and make me take a deep ass breath for life.
"Elenor is Elie... it's been her all this time here with us."

What. The. Fuck. No, it's impossible.

"That's not possible! Elie is dead and has been for the past 15 years. How the fuck would you even come up with this bullshit? You think it's funny?!" I yell at my parents for being so careless.

"It's her, son. I know it might be hard for you,but it's true. There were so many similarities since the first day we met her. Even you saw that that's why you hated her, wasn't it? Than Jev saw her birthmark at the pool party. The exact same one Elie had. Jev asked her her birthday and father's name. She said july 27th and Andreas Keller. He made her forget everything and think he was her father."

I feel.... Numb.
I can't believe she's been here all this time and all I did was act like an asshole.

I only get angrier when another thought comes to my mind.

"So you're telling me she's been an hour away from here and you couldn't hind her for 15 fucking years and if she wouldn't have shown up herself she'd still be living with that bastard abusing her?! You're a fucking mafia boss! How could you be THIS FUCKING DUMB!"

"Son, calm down. We thought she was dead. Why would we look for someone who's gone for good. If we only knew she was alive all this time we'd do everything to-"

I cut him off not caring he's my father and I should respect him. I don't. Not anymore. Not after making me suffer all these years only because he can't fucking use his shitty brain for once.

"That doesn't change the fact that she was abused, disrespected, and didn't even know that there are people that care about her and would do everything to keep her safe and happy. Maybe she did experience that when she was still with us but she can't even remember that... he fucking ruined her... and all you have to say is what? Hm?! A sorry? Or maybe welcome back we missed you so much? Which one of the multiple options will you chose. 'Cause let me tell you a secret. This all won't make up for the things she had to go through for the past 15 years. I don't even know 100% of it but it's more than enough to know that it has been a fucking hell for her to go through."

Now that I'm done yelling I can feel my throat tightening. Everyone is speechless at what I said and I don't mind. I don't think I want to hear anyone's voice at the moment.

I need to find her. And apologise. Ugh I can't believe I acted like that towards Elie.


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