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Elenor's Pov:

"I should already get going" I say as I pick my  purse up.
"What? No. You've been here only for an hour. I thought we decided it's either you coming for few hours or me kidnapped you."

"Yea I know but you have this family dinner. I don't want to disturb."
"Don't be silly you won-" aspens older brother cuts her of making us both look his direction.

I met him and hour ago but I can already tell he's not the most friendly person I've ever talked to.
His silky dark hair falls on he's forehead slightly above his eyebrows, making him look very handsome. However I think he'd look way much better in a buzz cut.

"Your friend is right. She should go."
" What the fuck, Ace?"
"She's not a part of the family so she's not invited to the family dinner." Ace says making it clear that he doesn't want me here.

"What is wrong with yo-" she again guests cut off but this time by the front door opening.
2 women and 2men walk through the front door with lots of food in their hands.

"Let me help you." Jake rushes off to them to help carry the food. But I think he was thanking his deep inside that she didn't have to be involved in this uncomfortable situation anymore.

And to be honest I wish I could do that too but all I have left is just stand there like an idiot waiting for something to happen and magically rescue me.

"Thank you honey you're such a sweat heart." One of the women says kissing his head and messing his hair a little bit.

"Mom Ace told my best friend to get out for the dinner and that she's not invited."

"Ace." The other woman who I assume is Aspen and Ace's mum sighed in disappointment.

"Oh no it's fine I was heading back home anyways." I speak up not wanting to cause any problem.

"No, I insist, you're my baby's friend so your also our friend, take a sit." I was about to say that I can't but before I even got the chance to open my mouth the beautiful and kind woman in front of me started speaking again. "And I don't take a no as an answer."

"Okey. Thank you so much." I smile walking to the table taking a sit next to Jake and Aspen.

The food is delicious. It tastes like heaven. I don't think I have eaten anything in like a day or 2. I was so busy with work and cleaning the house I just didn't have time to do so .

"So how old are you?" Aspen's mum asks.
"19." I answer taking a sip of water.
"Just like our Aspen."
"Oh! Sorry we completely forgot to ask,what's your name?" Jake's mum asks
"Oh it's fine don't worry. My name's Elenor."
The room falls quiet for a split second and Jake's mum lets out a shaky breath.

This time it's Aspen's dad who breaks the awkward silence.
"So where do you live? I don't think I have ever seen you around."
" I'm from fall river."
"That's like an hour away from here. How did you two meet than?"

"We work in the same café."
"The cafe Aspen works at is 5 minutes away from here that would mean you have to take an hour long drive to get to work every day."
"I do."

"Can we stop making this all about her? It's enough that she's at our family dinner." Ace snaps at everyone making me a little uncomfortable.

"Ace what has gotten into you?" Kate (his mum)asks.

After the dinner I everyone sat down in the leaving room except Kate and Camila because they went to do the dishes. I decided I want to help them since they let me stay for dinner.

"Hello sweat heart. You need anything?" Camila asks nicely. "No, actually I came to help." "You can dry the plates and put them in the drawers, thanks."

We talk, laugh and joke around for like 10 minutes or so before we're done with the dishes. We go back to the living room and sit around the coffe table to play some board games with everyone.

Well everyone except Ace...

Frank's (Ace and aspen's dad)  Pov:

"No! No! No! You wouldn't!" Jake yells at Elenor holding his chest showing how offended he is. He's so dramatic. I laugh at his reaction.
"Yes I would." She looks right into his eyes as she puts a house on the dark blue monopoly property.

These 2 take this game a little too seriously. Aspen and Camila have already given up after losing all of their properties to Jake and Elenor.
Now it's only me, my wife and the two monopoly monsters in front of us.

"Come on. Now it's your turn." She hands him the cubes. He takes them not braking their eye contact.

I've already wondered a few times if we still were playing monopoly or if it had changed to a staring contest.

We're all silent waiting for the cubes to stop.
That's what the cubes say.
"YES! HHAHA! give me your money loser!" Elenor jumps around laughing at Jake who has just landed on her dark blue property which happens to be the most expensive one and now he has to pay her 800.

"Fuck this game!" He yells pissed off as we all laugh at their childish behaviour.

Suddenly he takes a pillow and starts beating Elenor causing her to giggle. "S-stop. Hahaha."
She struggles to say anything but when he stops for 0,01sec she takes the opportunity and grabs another pillow. They are now having a little pillow fight for a minute or 2 while we put the game back into the box.

I wish my son didn't just walk off to his office right after the dinner. I can't remember the last time he was laughing. Jake sometimes manages to put a little smile on Ace's face for a second but that's it. 

I guess I understand why he was acting like this today, but he can't just be mad a the whole world because someone decided to name their child the same name my best friend once called his daughter.

My son has been blaming himself a lot for the past years and I couldn't do anything about it but he can't blame people who didn't even know her just because they have the same name.

We were all sad for moths after Elie passed away but eventually we all got over it. Even her own parents and brother did. Only my Ace still blames himself for what happened 15 years ago.


So how did you guys like it?

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Love you all ❤️
I hope you have a great day.😘

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