chapter 3

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Ace's Pov:

*Flash back*

I when I saw Elie sad, I didn't care why she was upset, I just knew what to do to make her happy again.

I took her hand in mine and lead her to her favourite spot, which happens to be my mum's garden.

She loves it here. There is so many beautiful flowers, butterflies flying around and a swing in at the end of it.

When you think of a garden you probably imagine a small place in front of a house that doesn't even allow you to move but my mum's is so huge you can even get lost but sadly it's not a good spot for playing hide and seek.

I've tried. They always find me here no matter how far I go. I even accused my sister for cheating and looking while we hide but she cried and told mum.

I couldn't eat lucky charms for a whole 2 days. She's so annoying, I think I'm going to unsister her when we get back.

"Do you feel happier now?" I ask looking down at my Elie.
"N- LOOK a butter fly" she was about to say no but her facial expression changed after she saw a butterfly. They're her favourite animal.

"Yes, Elie?"
"Can you push me on a swing pwease?"
I don't even bother to answer and just pick her up and Seattle her on the swing causing her to giggle.

After some time I decide we should go back to our parents before we get in trouble for not telling them we're going somewhere.

"No. But it's so fun here." She makes puppy eyes that are too cute to say no to.

"Okey we can play hide and seek but when I find you we're getting back."

"Yey! Close your eyes!"

I start counting hearing her little footsteps and giggles. When I get to 11 I hear a scream.
Opening my eyes I rush to find Elie.
"Elie! Elie! Where are you?!" I scream on the top of my lungs hoping she just saw a spider.

When I finally find her there's a man holding her .
"Let her go!" I'm terrified but I can't run away, he has my Elie.

The man laughs before speaking. "Oh you're so funny little man. The girl is cute isn't she. You're gonna do as I say and maybe ... I'll be gentle with her." Elie can't do anything because she's sleeping, that stranger made her smell something and she just fell asleep.

"You'll now use your little legs and run to her parents and tell them that if I don't get 13 million by the end of the week their precious little thing will be dead."

*end of flash back*

I did as the man said. Uncle Jev payed the money but we never got her back... They killed her...

They killed my Elie.. and it was all my fault.

Ever since that day I hate my birth day and never celebrate it.
Even after all this time I can't get over it.

I look at the blanket for a second remembering how every time our families would go on vacation together she'd always have it with her. She didn't let anyone touch it except her mum. She once even punched me for touching it and for a 4 year old girl it was a hard punch.

Gladly Elenor isn't a popular name so don't hear it often, actually I haven't heard that name
In years. So today when I heard it I just lost it.

Walking down the stairs I hear muffed talking coming from the living room. The closer I get the cleaner the talking becomes.

"This is the Damon all the girls are getting wet for ?"
"Hell yea he's soooo handsome. And him and elena ugh ! Master piece!" Aspen answers my best friend, getting a little too into her fantasies about some Damon.

"What ?! No! First of all Stefan and Elena all the way, second of all elena got so annoying after being with Damon besides he's not even handsome."

"OH! God help me my best friend has no taste in man!" She cries out as both my best friend and the girl laugh.

I clear my throat to get their attention but I don't so I do it again and it works this time.
"Oh Ace, wanna watch the show with us ?" My sister asks oddly kind.

"No. Get up and help me set the table our and Jake's parents are gonna be here soon."
"Right. I forgot about the family dinner."


So this is chapter 3. I was super excited for it and I hope you loved it as much as I do.

Don't forget to vote and comment.❤️

Also let me know who do you think was better with Elena if you watched TVD.

Love you all.😘
Have a great day 🥵

Lost and found (mafia story)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن