Chapter 22

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Elenor's Pov:

The date is going pretty well. We're now in a fancy restaurant.
Looking at the menu we can't decide what we want to eat.
"I have no idea what to choose there is literally too much options."

"Yea. How about you try my favourite food and I try yours and if we don't like it we can just switch?" He suggests and I agree.

"I'd give you sushi but it's basic so I'm gonna go with teriyaki noodles. I love them!" I say getting excited that his gonna try my favourite food and to be honest I do hope a little, his not gonna like it, so I can eat it.

"Do you like spicy ?"
"Hate it!"
"Well this makes it more difficult to me. But I think I'll make you try ..... octopus."
After we order our food we wait for the waiter to bring it.

Talking to Adam is easy he simply leads the conversation. He's a very sociable person so I don't have to worry about the uncomfortable silence anymore.

After a bit more time the waiter, interrupts our laughs by bringing the food. We thank him and he leaves.

"Okay, try it. I'm curious how you're gonna like it."

I am not really sure about the octopus thing. It's just I don't know. I just hope I won't gag.
Putting the fork and knife in my food and cutting it into smaller pieces I hesitate to put it in my mouth.

I chew it for a little bit longer and my eyes widen.
"Oh my god. This is amazing."
"Told ya." Adam chuckles and now it is his turn to try the food I chose for him.

He does exactly what I did except the hesitation and admits it's the best restaurant food he has ever eaten.

After we have finished our food, the waiter came with the bill and I began taking out my wallet, when I feel a hand being put on mine.

"No. No. No. I'm paying, put that wallet back."
Adam says assuring me.
"At least least me pay for my food. This restaurant is expensive."

"No. I chose your food so I'm paying for it."
"Well. Than let me pay for yours since I chose it."
"But it's me who ate it. Your not making any sense."
"I can't with you." I giggle deciding not to fight him any more and just let him pay.

Walking down the streets and talking we stop by to get ice cream.

"What are you getting?" I ask Adam already knowing my choice.
"I was thinking  maybe bubble gum. You?"
"100% always and forever cookie dough."

We pay for the ice cream and decide to eat it while continuing our walk.
I don't know why but for some reason, I started talking about Ace, like a complete idiot but I just couldn't help myself. I know that we used to be close but I can't remember any of it so want to know more about him.

"Um... can I ask you a question?"

"Sure, whatever you want to know."
"Have you been friends with Ace for long?"
"I don't really know if you can call it being friends to be honest." He chuckles a bit but than gets back to normal.

"He's only friends with Jake, and now you I suppose. He's not this nice to everyone as he is to you, El. Why did you wanna know?"

"I'm sure you know my story. I know I was best friends with him before that whole kidnapping thing but not because I remember but because others told me. I just was hoping to maybe, find something out about him. I can see how he tries his best and all I can give him in return is 'sorry I still can't remember but we can try to start all over again' and I feel so stupid for not remembering. It's also a bit sad because you can see it's important to him, for me to remember."

"Well. He's totally different when you're around. He used to never smile but I guess since he knows you are you, the coroner of his lips sometimes goes up a little bit. But when you're away he gets back to his frightening mafia boss / killer self. No body knows the real him... well  except Jake, I guess. "

"Seems like I gotta figure him out on my own but thanks anyway."

"Sure thing."

We walk and talk for another 30 minutes until, we decide it's late and we should be getting back.

Sitting in the car I can't help but overthink tonight's date and just feel guilt running down my spine.
"Yes?" He says not looking away from the road.
"Look. You're a really, really great guy. Funny, kind, confident and also very, very handsome but I don't want to give you false hope... I honestly wish I liked you that way because your amazing but I can't chose my feelings...I'm sorry. "

He is now looking at me and I can see a little disappointment in his eyes which, doesn't make me feel any better.

"You don't need to be sorry, El. I get it. But we can still be friends, right?"

"Totally!I still need a partner in crime, don't I ."

When Adam dropped me off at my house,  it was already 12pm so I decided I am gonna go to sleep right away and just, shower in the morning.


Let me know what you guys think of Adam and Elenor but also Adam himself. Would you date him if he were real? 😏

Lost and found (mafia story)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt