Chapter 25

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Elenor's pov:

I have to stop.

I can't run anymore.

The man that, would have grabbed me even if I didn't pathetically stop, holds me up in the air drugging me somewhere.

I scream for help and beg for him to stop. "Please! please! Please let me go!" I cry out, not recognising my own voice.
After a few seconds that feel like infinity, I stop screaming and whisper my last beggings,  for the sake of the little tiny bit of hope that I have left.

I can do it.... I can handle it..... It's happened once...... It will happen again...... I don't want it....... Please god why me..... what did I ever do wrong...... I'm so's my fault I shouldn't have walked into that alley.

I talk to myself trying to understand why it's always me but also, trying to convince my subconsciousness that if I accept what's happening it want be so hurtful.

"Shut up,slut!" The other guy shouts running up to us helping him drug me, when I hear a car violently stopping.

All three of our heads snap towards the man walking out of the car.


When I see him, suddenly all my hope comes back. My eyes get teary but not because I'm sad or scared, but because I'm happy, happy to see him and feel the hope rushing back.

"PUT HER DOWN, RIGHT NOW." He yells pointing a gun at them.

"You think we're gonna believe, it's a real gun ? Keep trying boy. Or maybe you want to join?"
He's disgusting comment makes me think of all the bad things, he'd have done if Ace didn't get here on time.

His knuckles whiten because of how strong the grip on his gun is.
He shots one of the guys right in the head, making his dead body hit the ground.

The adrenaline is too big for me to care but the sight of a dead body is still making me feel sick.

All of a sudden, I feel something cold being pressed to my throat."Put the gun down or I'll kill her!"

He doesn't put the gun.

I look him in the eyes trying to see some kind of assurance,  that I foolishly believe will find there but he's not even looking at me and by the look on his face, that is usually so cold and emotionless, I can see he's not thinking rationally at the moment.

He pulls the trigger.

the time slows down and I feel my body being ripped inside as well as out side. It's fast but even after it's already over it hurts.
I feel more pain than one is able to imagine, unless they have experienced it.

I can't hear anything and my eyelids become too heavy to keep my eyes, at least a bit opened but I try.

I try until all I can see is the darkness. And for the first time ever, I finally understand what being in this kind of family actually means.

My father is one of the two Don's,my brother is next in line. Of course I am always going to be the target. If I don't die now, someone will kill me eventually.

I used to believe they can keep me safe and sure I still think that but I don't have them around me 24/7 and even a second alone can matter, so I have to be prepared.

I know those men didn't probably even know who I was but this whole thing, has just opened
my eyes. Or maybe closed actually...let's just hope not permanently ....


Idk if it's good but what I do know is that it's 2:18 am and I have to go to sleep.

good night.😴

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