Chapter 24

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Ace's Pov:

After we talked out all the mafia stuff, we started watching a movie as planed.
I hate watching movies they are too long and too boring to waist your time on them, but I only watch it so that when Elie comes back, we can watch it together.

Ever since my talk with A and Elie's date with Adam, I started thinking of what I felt towards El.
I don't really know what that is but what I know for sure is that, I want to keep her to myself.

I Constantly look at my watch and count down  the time until Elenor is gonna be back, I curse at the time that has apparently become my enemy.
Last time when, a minute felt like an hour, was during my last history period in high school.

Jake's phone goes off but he ignores it and gets back to the movie.
The phone starts calling again getting on my nerves so I snap at him to just get it.

"Just pick it up for fuck's sake it's annoying."
"Nah. It's just El."
"Why won't you pick up then, it might be important."
"I'll pick up the third time she calls. I'm giving her silent treatment for snapping at me earlier today."
"Call her back. She's out on a walk by herself and it's dark outside." It wasn't a request, it was an order.

My heartbeat starts rising at the thought of something happening to her, I just try talking myself out of it, by justifying her calls as some random need to talk to her brother.

" Jeez, man. Chill out, she'll be fine. Whatever."
He rolls he's eyes at me and starts dialing her number.

"It's busy,see ? She's talking to someone, which means she's safe."

I sigh pretending to watch the movie for the next 10 minutes but it might have been 45 seconds since time is doing me dirty today.

Literally falling asleep, I hear rushed banging on the door. Jake stands up annoyed, pausing the movie to open the door.
"Jeez, who is that?" One of the guys, Pablo, asks and his question is answered in no time, when we all see panicked Sofia with her phone in hand.

"We gotta find El! Someone is chasing her!"
"WHAT?!" I stand up and start looking for my keys.

I can't fucking let anything happen to her. Jake is so fucking dead right now for not picking up that damn phone. Why'd I even fucking let her go out this late?
I need to find her.

"Where is she? Did she tell you? Is she still on the phone with you?" I ask shaking Sofia's shoulders.

"Calm down! She's on the phone but she doesn't know wher-" I cut her off by ripping away her phone and walking out of the house to my car, not even waiting for the others to keep up with me.

We all have tracking device in our cars, so they will find me without a problem and I can not waist any more time.

"Elie?" Opening the car door I talk to the phone, needing to hear her voice, needing to know she's still there.
"Yes, can you tell me where you are, anything that stands out, if there are any people around?"
"I don't know, I here is-um- a sign ! The street, it's  called Maple Dr. "

I speed down the road not caring about all the laws I am currently breaking.

"Okay, I'm on my way. I'll be there in 3 minutes,just keep running okay? What ever is happening don't stop!" Right now I could start questioning which one of us is more out of breath. She must have been running for so fucking long, I'm scared she'll stop.

"Ace, I can't do it anymore. I'm sorry. I have to stop." I hear her cry out and I feel my heart dropping to my stomach.

I speed even faster when I hear her scream for help and a male voice say something I can't understand because of the phone being to far away from him.

When I pull up to the street, I can see two man holding a girl who's trying to get out of their grip.


I take my gun out and get out of my car, not bothering to close the door.
"PUT HER DOWN, RIGHT NOW." I yell pointing a gun at them.

"You think we're gonna believe it's a real gun ? Keep trying boy. Or maybe you want to join?"

I am not thinking straight. The adrenaline is too much. I don't know if they have guns or knives and I can't just shoot at them, without being sure what their next move will be.
That's the way I usually think when I am on missions, but right now I am not rational, not when Elie is in danger. Not when I can lose her again.

I tighten the grip on my gun and shoot one of the guys right in the head making his dead body hit the ground.

The man holding El, has now a knife pressed to her throat. "Put the gun down or I'll kill her!"
I don't.
I can't.
I have to do something.
I am not sane right now.

The man is the same night as El so shooting him in the head is not an option since he's basically standing behind her. But if I just shoot him in the arm that is pressing the blade to her throat....

I don't have much time.
I have to do something, now.
So I shoot.

And I miss...


A cliff hanger isn't it ?

Hope you guys had a great day today💚
Love you all and I hope you liked this chapter.❤️

Also guys, don't forget to follow me, so you don't miss out and get a notification every time a new chapter is out!!!

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