Chapter 14

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Elenor's PoV:

Aspen and I were eating serials when her mum walked into the kitchen.
"Hey, girls."
"Hey, mum."
"Hey Mrs. Kate."
"Elie what did I tell you about calling me mrs."
"Sorry Kate." Her and I giggle.

"We got some important news yesterday that we'd like to talk to you about."
"What news? Were they the reason Jev kicked us out yesterday?" Aspen said swallowing her breakfast.

Yesterday when Jev told me  to stay in the living room with Jake until he calls us to his office we were completely confused and stressing out about it.

After 45 minutes he still didn't call us so we figured we would watch some movies and afterwards we fell asleep. The following morning when we woke up no one was home so I just went back home.

I still wanna know what it was about tho.

"Yes but I'll need you and Ace in the living room in an hour. And El you'll have to go to Jake's house. Okay?"

"Yea but why do I have to go there."
"They will tell you when you're there, just trust me."

This is weird.

I'm currently knocking at Jake's house door waiting for someone to let me in.

"Hey, El. Come on it. My parents are waiting in the living room."

We go in and I sit down on the couch.
"So what did you guys wanna talk to us about?"

"Before we tell you guys, we want El to know this one thing so she can understand why this all has happened....This ... um.. we are in a mafia. More specifically run one with Ace and Aspen's parents."

I look at them and burst out laughing. They can't think I am this naive.

"Wait. Is this April Fools? You guys could really think of something else. But I gotta admit the set up was good. I've been stressing myself for the past hour what this  whole meeting was abut. "

They look at me with those serious stares that if looks could kill I'd be dead already.

"Wait.. you're not... joking?" They nod assuring me it's true.

I'm shocked. Surprisingly I'm not scared not even a bit. However It feels like I should. After all they run a mafia, they kill others and somehow I'm not running out of the house screaming for help, calling the police.

Thinking rationally they treated me me like family and they made me feel safe around them so I guess, if they wanted to kill me they'd have done that already.

"Look, we wouldn't normally be telling you that but we just found out something yesterday and we must tell you this. Both of you." Me and Jake exchange worried looks and get our attention back to his parents.

"There are obviously other mafias around. Some in good terms with us and some in bad terms. 15 years ago we were the biggest mafia in the states. The second largest mafia wanted to be bigger than us, so what they needed to do was ruin us. The decided to do it from the inside."

Caroline took her husband's hand and started finishing the story her husband began.

"We had a daughter. They took her when she was 4. It was 15 years ago. They held her hostage for a week claiming that they would let her go if we pay them. We did. But they killed her right after they got the money."

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