Chapter 1

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Elenor's pov:

Just to fill you in a little bit. I'm 19 just graduated from high school and I'm currently trying to figure out what I'm gonna do with my life now that I am not obligated by the government to study.

I'd love to move out because my home is ...well.. let's just say it's not the best environment. My dad often brings his friends, I suppose. They drink alcohol, take drugs and they even have guns. Some of them wanted to do things with me but somehow I managed to runaway.
But as much as I'd love to move somewhere else I can't. Mostly because I don't have the money but also because I can't leave my dad. He's often drunk and I'd be scared he'd get hurt.

Sure it's not nice to be beaten up every time I do something wrong but he just wants what's best for me. He wants to learn me discipline and wants me to always try my best. Besides that's what every parent does, so I'm not the only one.

I don't have a mum, dad said she left us when I was too young to even remember.the only thing I've got after her is my birthmark. It's on my left hip and is shaped like a heart.

When I was younger I thought the birthmark was a sign of my mums love towards me since it was shaped like a heart and I would ever believe she wanted to.

When I grew up I realised that if she really loved me she would have contacted me at least once in my life, but she didn't so my dad is the only person I actually know since I don't have time for friends.

Getting back to planning what I'm gonna do after summer ends I get an idea. I could study medicine.

No. I don't even like biology. No, more like, I hate it. Why'd I even think of that? Well I like civics so maybe I could try getting into a law school? I don't exactly love history but I for sure can stand it.

Let's just hope dad is not going to be mad...

I head to the living room where my dad is watching TV drinking his whiskey, to ask him if he'd be okey with me continuing to study.
I open my mouth to start a conversation but he already started speaking "The hell do you want?"
"Well I was thinking.. now that I graduated from high school I wanted to study law...."

Waiting for the answer I bite my lip out of stress.

"Do whatever. I don't give a fuck as long as you clean up the house. Just know I won't pay for any of that shit " he takes a sip of his alcohol when I hug him to thank him. I accidentally spilled his drink because of my excitement and it spelled on the carpet.

He pushes me of of the couch making me fall to the ground."what did you do you stupid bitch?!"
He kicks me in my stomach making my eyes feel with tears. I beg him to stop but he doesn't. "Don't you ever fucking spill my drink or even think of touching me you stupid whore!" He yells at me walking to his bedroom and shouting his door.

I stay on the living room floor for a few more minutes before getting up.
It's 8am and I need to get to work before 10 so I go to my room not making any noice to not anger my dad anymore and do my make up.

I work at a small caffe shop in the rich area of Boston. It takes me a while to get there but I get payed very well for a waitress so I don't complain.

It's 12am and my boss Amelia calls me to her office. I was a little late today but I hope I didn't get in trouble for that.

I walk into her office seeing a really pretty girl around my age. She has her hair I a high ponytail her arms and hands are covered in tattoos and there is also a small one next to her ear.

"Eleanor, this is your new colleague, Aspen."
"Hi, this so nice to meet you." I shake her hand as she smiles at me.
"Please show her around and keep an eye on her for the next week in case she needs any help or has any questions."

It's been only an hour since I met Aspen but we're already really good friends. She even wants to study law as well.

"You should come over to my place. We could talk about boys,watch all the episodes of TVD together and eat snacks."

"Oh no. I don't want to bother your family. Besides I think watching all of the episodes in one night seems pretty impossible." I say smiling at my excited friend.

"You're right. We should totally have a sleepover."

"Aspen." I giggle out her name.
"If you don't agree I'm gonna have to kidnap you and it won't be a one night sleepover, I'm gonna make it into a whole week."

"Okay. But only for a few hours, I have to get back home."

"Few hours will do but next time you don't have a choice."



Okey so this was my first chapter, I hope enjoyed it.
I will post a few more chapters today or tomorrow to begin the story but than I'll post once a week.

Please don't forget to vote and comment, it means the world to me, especially the comments.

And also feel free to put your ideas for some events later on in the story.

The images at the be fining of a chapter might sometimes give you a little hint of what is going to happen. 🤫

Love you all.❤️
Have a great day.💗

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