Chapter 7

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Aspen's pov :

After the move Jake went back home and ace to his room. Cleaning the mess that we've made I decide to speak up. "El, I just want you to know that no matter what you can always talk to me, and please, please remember that me and my family will always help you with anything."

"Thank you, A."

I tried convincing El to stay overnight because I didn't want her to get back to that bastard and get beaten up again. She said that it was "okay" and assured me that she gets beaten up only if she deserves it. The thing is she never does anything to deserve it yet she still still gets all of those bruises from that monster!

This so called father of hers let her believe that she deserves it all. I didn't argue with her anymore because I knew she's too brainwashed by him to listen to me and understand that this should not be happening.

I let her go under one condition, she'd tell me if he hit her again.

What El doesn't know is that If he does I'll tell my parents and I'm sure they'll help me do something about it.

I can't and I won't let this slide.

Elenor's pov:

Weeks have gone pretty fast. I'd often hang out with Aspen at her house. Her and her family are great.

I'll never forget her and jake's parents reactions to them being together.

I laugh at the thought of Frank sitting in between them, making sure they're at least 2 feet away. Poor man looked so helpless the second he found out his little girl isn't so little anymore.

Yes you have heard right. A and Jake are officially together! I mean I think everyone saw it coming but I'm still super excited for them.

To say that Ace and I like each other is a little wild but I guess he doesn't hate me so much.
He even sometimes responds to my "hey"s
With his cold, emotionless "good afternoon"s or something like that.

After my shift is over I drive back home.
During these past 2 weeks dad has hit me a few times, but I didn't tell anything Aspen Which means I broke our promise but I just didn't want her to pity me. Besides telling her wouldn't change anything.

However A has made me realise that this is not exactly how a father-daughter relationship should look like. At least now I know it's wrong for him to do it.  I guess I thought it was ordinary for a father to punish his child when they do something wrong, because this is how I was raised but now I know better.

I walk through the front door looking around for any sign of my dad possibly being high or drunk but I don't find any.

Putting the keys on the table I hear doors shut behind me. I flinch and turn around to see my dad standing next to a man my height.

He has some grey hair and a beard which makes him look around 48 years old. My father is 47 so he is his friend I assume.

"That's her?" The mysterious, scary man asks.
"Yea. You can do whatever just give me the money before. I need more weed."
"I'll take her. Here is your money." He hands my father a lot of money, that he takes a little while co count before giving him an approving look.

"What's going on?" I ask not knowing what is happening nor did I know what this guys meant by "taking" me.

My dad doesn't even bother to answer before exiting the house, leaving me all alone with the stranger who is now locking the front door.

"Looks like we'll be having a lot of fun tonight." He smirks coming closer to me.
"Sir I don't know what you mean." Now it's getting scary. I try to back away but my back has reached the wall behind me way much sooner than I thought it would.

"Oh yes, you can call me sir that's very sexy of you." Putting his hands on my hips he kisses my  jaw line and than neck. I try to push him away but he's to strong.

"Stop! Get away!" I start kicking and throwing my hands in the air but it doesn't work.

He throws me into my father's bedroom and ties me to the bed. I scream for help. I beg for him to stop. He doesn't. Im hopeless and most importantly helpless.

After he's done taking off his own clothes, he starts doing the same to mine.

"Oh don't be so dramatic hun. You'll beg for me not to stop."

We're now both naked. At this point and I give up . He's stronger and I'm tied anyways. I stop fighting but the awareness of helplessness makes me sob even more.


Hi, guys! I hope you liked this chapter and that you have fun reading my story.

Don't forget to vote and comment IT MEANS THE WORLD 🌎


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