Chapter 19

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Elenor's PoV

After we had gotten out off the water and dried ourselves with towels, Sofia and I borrowed some clothes from A since ours are all wet.

At first we were furious that guys kind of ruined our sleepover but at least we're now wide awake and can do more fun stuff.

Well by fun I mean watch moves since we're too tired to do anything else but I guess we can consider it fun, because it is, it's just not so wild or unusual.

Since the guys are already over we offered them to stay with us and watch some movies but we immediately started regretting it as soon as the guys started arguing with us about what movie we should play.

"We should watch a horror."
"No. they are boring. Let's watch 365 days."
"How could horrors be boring ?"

"They are either disgusting and not scary or they're 2 hours long and you get only like maybe 4 jump scares if the movie is really good. And the plot is always the same."

" Okay but 365 days is literally porn. Do you really want to watch porn next to your boyfriend and 6 other people around."

"5 to be exact." Stella corrects her boyfriend with a lot of sass in her tone and as they continue to argue. I cut in making a decision for us all.

"You know what? It's our sleepover and you're the once who decided to stay over so we're gonna watch- " I get cut of by a hand landing on my mouth stopping me for speaking. I freak out for a second until I recognise it's my brother's hand.

"Wait. You said horrors are boring. How about I show you the scariest movie ever exciting that will make you terrified-" wanting to get out of Jake's grip I lick his hand hoping that he's gonna take it away from my face, but it doesn't work.

"Not done yet. -while and after watching it." I finally feel him getting his hand slightly off of my face giving me a sign that I will soon be free from his grip, but before he gets to do that, I bite his finger leaving my tooth print on it.

"Aw! What the hell El. I was already taking my hand away."
"I know. But I thought you deserved it." I say sitting on the couch and putting a strawberry in my mouth.

"Anyways. So, what do you guys say?"
"And what if the movie doesn't scare us?"
"I'll give you 100 bucks."
"Each of us?" Aspen and I ask looking at each other smirking.

"Okey mister rich. What if we lose?"
"Each one of you girls will give me 100 bucks."
"Sounds good to me. What about you girls?"
"Deal." Both Sofia and Aspen say at the same time.

"So. What are we watching?" Easton asks putting an arm around his girlfriend and kissing her head. They are so cute. I hope I have a relationship like theirs, one day.

They show each other affection and love every second of the day and never get bored of each other even tho they have been dating for years now.

"The evil night. It's banned in 4 European countries and some elderly people have gotten a heart attack watching it." We all just blink at him before A brusts out laughing.

(A/N: just to clarify a movie like that doesn't exist I made it up because I don't want to use a movie I haven't watched because I think that would be pointless if I didn't even know the plot of it.)

"You're joking, right?"
"Not at all, love." He places himself down next to Aspen kissing her cheek and plays the move.

I take my blanket from under my feet even tho I'm not cold at the moment. I just feel safe covered up in a blanket. Call me childish but you're gonna be the one who's legs are grabbed by the monster under your bed.

Blankets are the best. You're cold? Get a blanket. You're sad? Get a blanket. You wanna hide? Get a blanket. Your bed looks bad? Put a blanket on it.
You're scared? Get. A. Blanket.

That's why I have 14 of them in my room, and I am sure getting more.

People think I'm obsessed with this and I'm okay with it. I am obsessed with it. And um, I think this is an obsession that doesn't hurt anyone.

My thoughts about blankets are interrupted by Adam and Ace sitting on both of my sides squishing so hard I think my ribs are broken.

Ace's PoV:

Both me and Adam sit next to El while she is  making herself comfortable under her blanket.
Her beautiful green eyes are so wide looking at the TV.
That's something she has always done when she was scared and apparently she still does that.

Ever since I found out that she was my Elie I stopped looking at her the way I did before.
I used to look at her as someone who constantly brought me pain reminding me of someone I have lost a long time ago.

Now I look at her as my Elie again. The thing is she still remembers very little of what we had before. We had a talk the next day after we found out and thought that maybe spending some time together would bring her memory back.

Even though it didn't,  we grew a little closer and now we're kind of friends which I'm glad about.

I see Adam trying to put an arm around Elie but before he gets to do that I slap his hand away hard enough to tell him to back the fuck off but slightly enough to not draw anyone's attention.

Earlier today he said that he wanted to ask her out and I'm definitely not letting that happen.

We're half way through the movie and I must admit, even I am a little bit unsettled by it and I'm never scared and especially not because of a horror movie.

"The hell, don't go there idiot!!!" Elie yells at the the character that has just walked into a haunted basement as we all laugh at her reaction. She literally takes it too seriously.

I didn't even pay any attention to the movie at the moment because I was looking at Elie. Her green like emerald eyes, full beautiful pinkish lips, maybe a little dry because she forgot to take her chapstick with her. And her silky blond long but not so thick hair when. I get pulled out of my trance by everyone in the room screaming.

They all scream at the same time.

"Oh come on guys, I get girls but you're in a mafia and screaming like a little girl."

"Oh really, Ace? You'd be scared too if you weren't only staring at El like a creep.I think there's a little drawl over there." He points at my face mocking me and laughing. I swear I am going to kill Easton one day.
Right after killing Adam.

Seems like we're gonna need some new recruits in the mafia.

"Oh come on guys, stop it." Elie says looking me in the eyes and putting her hand on my arm in an assuring manner. "I'm sure he wasn't drawling over me. He just wanted to focus on something else because he was so scared of the movie and didn't want to pee his pants." 

Her sassy smile makes me want to kiss her but at the same time, realise that now she is the one  slowly making it to my death list.

"Oh really? Well I guess someone has just made it out of my death list since you took their place."

"Or you might get some other punishment for making fun of me." I lean down and whisper to her ear loud enough only for us to hear, making her cheeks redden.


Tbh I don't really like this chapter. I mean the idea was good but it turned out not so great.

A bit late I know. 😄

Love you all❤️
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