37.5 | you messed with the wrong family

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       I was tied up on a wooden chair with a bandana tied over my mouth

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I was tied up on a wooden chair with a bandana tied over my mouth. Sweat and blood ran down my forehead. There was a plastic zip tie cutting into my wrists.

"I know that you are just a simply bystander in all of this, but you are carrying Dante's offspring, so I had no choice." Luca sat in front of me twirling a knife in his hands.

"From what I understood, your daughter is still alive and well. Or else Lorenzo would not have used her as a way to threaten you, so why are you doing this?"

"Because men like Dante and Lorenzo have to learn to be put into their place. You may not know it, but your husband is a fucking monster! Who else uses a child to get to a woman who does not even love him?!" Luca clenched his jaw tightly.

"I do not condone my husband's actions, but I will not judge him for his past either. You know better than anyone that this mafia business sometimes calls for drastic measures. But unlike most men in this world, he let your child live. Be thankful for that." I replied.

"Thankful?" Luca scoffed. He looked at me with disgust. "You're just as bad as him, huh? I mean what would I expect from the wife of Dante Villanueva. But I am glad, it will make this so much easier."

Luca snapped his fingers and one of his men brought forth a tea cup.

I felt a cold shape feeling wash over me as I stared at the white porcelain cup. I knew what it was—the Black Dahlia tea.

"No!" I shrieked as I moved my head away.

"You either drink it or he dies," Luca barked.

Myung hung from two men. He looked awful. There were bruises and cuts on him that were not there before they took us away. His dark brown eye was hidden behind his swollen lid.

"Don't d-do it S-Steph. It'll kill the ba—Ugh!" Myung winced as another man whipped him hard.

My stomach churned as I witnessed them do so. I moved my head to the side and threw up all the contents in my stomach.

"I diluted the tea, so it won't kill you. It'll only kill your baby," Luca smirked. "Dante killed Santos when he did this to Sam. I wonder what he will do when he finds out that his thirst for revenge in Lorenzo killed his baby. That he was responsible for this. I mean, he was the one who gave me the position after all."

"You're just as fucking sick as them!" I yelled.

"An eye for an eye, right?" Luca smirked. "Now, drink it or I will kill him."

"Don't! I am no worth it—Ahh!" Myung was whipped again and I closed my eyes to not see him withering in pain.

I knew that if they killed him it would not be quick and easy. They would make him suffer and I could not allow that. It was either him or my baby.

How could I ever choose?

Alessandra's POV

"But mommy, the burgundy looked bwetter!" Amara whined as we stepped out of the car.

        She had been whining the whole car ride here. A WHOLE FIFTEEN MINUTES!

       I loved my daughter, I truly did, but Caterina had turned her into a fashion-freak. Sometimes it was hard not to want to hide in the trunk and enjoy some silence.

       "Senti tesoro, faremo un gioco. Vince chi sta in silenzio più a lungo, ok (Look honey, we're going to play a game. Whoever stays silent the longest wins, okay)?" I asked and she eagerly nodded.

       I placed my finger between my lips and made a shushing sound. This signaled the start of the game. Amara giggled and zipped up her lips.

       I lowered the windows as we reached the gates of my brother's mansion. The guards held pale expressions.

       "What happened?" I growled knowing that something was wrong.

       "Ouu, mommy you lost!" Amara giggled, but I motioned her to be quiet as I waited for the guards to answer me.

       "Ti ho fatto una domanda (I asked you a question)!" I barked loudly.

"La Donna, è stata presa. Hanno trovato l'auto distrutta a pochi minuti da qui (La Donna, has been taken. They found the wrecked car minutes from here)." One of them finally answered.

I could feel the blood drain out my body.

"And what the fuck are you doing standing here like statues! Have you not sent-"

"I already sent men, Alessandra. They haven't gotten anything and Myung was also taken. Our odds of finding them are slim," Caterina emerged from behind the men.

"To hell they are! We are the Villanuevas! No one messes with us or else!" I barked.

Every one of them was getting me angry. They were too calm for my liking. We should be hunting down the bastards that took Stephanie and Myung.

How dare they touch my sister?!

The screeching of tires behind me drew our attention. A white van stopped for a split second, opened the back door and dropped two bodies on the ground before speeding away.

"No! No, no, no!" I cried out as I rushed to the two bodies.

"Fuck get the doctor!" Caterina ordered as soon as she saw the state of the two bodies.

Myung was covered in a pool of blood and unconscious. Stephanie was behind him clutching onto her stomach as she withered in pain.

"It's okay, it's all going to be okay." I assured as I laid her head on my lap. Her tongue was purple and her eyes blonde shot red.

"My baby," she whimpered. "They took my baby."

I froze as my eyes trailed down. Her legs had blood running down them. I soon realized that the pool of blood was not Myung's but hers.

I bit the inside of my cheek as I held back the tears.

"Kill them! Kill whoever did this! Kill them all!"

Author's Note It's like Forbidden Attractions all over again 😢 What do you guys think will happen next? Will Stephanie and Myung survive? Will the baby survive? What will Dante do once he finds out! Let me know your thoughts in the comments

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Author's Note
It's like Forbidden Attractions all over again 😢 What do you guys think will happen next? Will Stephanie and Myung survive? Will the baby survive? What will Dante do once he finds out! Let me know your thoughts in the comments. Next chapter will be out tomorrow. I know, I know. I am loving these daily updates too. I will see you all tomorrow with another juicy chapter! I'll see you then my lovelies!
Xoxo, Liz 💋💋💋

Song: Everybody Wants to Rule the World - Lorde

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