20 | stoplight

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       Stoplights. They changed from red to green in seconds, almost like someone going from hot to cold. Alessandra reminded me of a stoplight. One second she was happy (green) and another she was distant and cold (red). However, it seemed everyone else was able to reach the green light, but me. I was always stuck on red and I hated it.

"Devo essere la sua nuova babysitter (Do I have to her new babysitter)?" Alessandra exclaimed loudly enough for me to hear all the way in the kitchen.

I had been learning Italian these past few days. A skill that had been both handy and miserable. Now, I could understand some of the many things Alessandra would say about me in her native tongue like...

"Devi sempre sfidare le mie decisioni (Do you always have to challenge my decisions)?" Dante barked back.

"Lei non è nemmeno la nostra famiglia (She's not even our family)!"


I tried not to let her words sting and continued chopping the green peppers on the counter. After all, she was right. I was not even family, yet.

"Always fighting like cats and dogs," Caterina sighed as she pranced into the kitchen. A sweet floral scent trailed behind her.

       I looked up and was surprised to see her already dressed in a fancy two-piece set. Her ginger hair was clipped back neatly, not a single strand out of place. I did not know how this family managed to look so beautiful first thing in the morning.

       "Un tale rompicoglioni (Such a pain in the ass)!" Alessandra angrily pushed past the kitchen doors. Her fiery gaze landed on me accompanied with a grimace expression. "Get ready. It looks like we will be spending this lovely day together."

       "I can convince to-"

       Alessandra's eyes grew dark. "Get. Ready."

       I did not want to fuel her anger so I did as told. I wiped my hands clean and Caterina gave me a sympathetic smile as I walked past her.

"You're really throwing me into the wolf's den huh?" I asked as I entered Dante's study room.

Dante looked exhausted as he raised his gaze. "My Angel, I do not need more bickering. I need to go visit someone with Caterina, so could you please just do me this one favor and put up with my sister for today? After that, Caterina will be the one in charge of your training."

I immediately felt bad for my sass and nodded. I walked over to Dante and wrapped my arms around him as I lightly rested my chin on his shoulder blade.

"Still no luck finding Lorenzo?" I asked lowly.

Dante shook his head. "He keeps leaving and coming back. It's like a cat chasing a mouse. I'm the cat and he's the damn mouse. Hiding every time I am close."

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