02 | stone cold

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       Of course, I thought as I stared at the woman in front of me

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Of course, I thought as I stared at the woman in front of me. The shock in her eyes mirrored my own. I was frozen in my spot. I did not know what to say or do.

Stephanie opened her mouth as though she was about to say something, but I cut her to it.

"We shall begin with a short tour of the floor you will be working on and then I will show you to your designated work station," I said in the most formal tone I could muster.

       I could tell she was taken aback by my stoic behavior, but I knew that it was for the best. I had to pretend like we were complete strangers despite our very passionate night.

"O-Of course sir," she replied in a low tone.

I tried not to let her hurt expression get to me. I had to remind myself that last night was amazing, yes, but it was only meant to be one night. I could not allow for things to get more complicated than they needed to be, especially not when we would be working together.

Keeping my gaze forward and ignoring the burning gaze drilling a hole at the back of my head, I led us toward the private elevator.

"Usually this elevator is reserved for family and close friends only, but seeing that you will be my personal assistant you will be granted access," I explained as we stepped inside.

I never realized how tiny the space in elevators could be until this day. Despite having a feet or two between us, I felt like the walls of the elevator were caving in on me and I found it hard to breathe steadily. I adjusted my collar to let some air through, but it was to no vain. The awkward silence between us as the elevator ascended to the designated floor was not helping either.


I felt like I could breathe again when the doors slide opened and I was able to put more distance between Stephanie and I.

"On this floor, you will have meeting rooms were the board and our associates hold meet you discuss any business matters," I explained. "There is one general staff room where you will find the coffee machine, printer, and copying machine. As soon as we arrive at the office, it'll be your job to prepare my morning coffee — black with no sugar."

"No sugar? Does it not taste too bitter?" Stephanie asked surprised.

"No, it tastes just fine to me. So please, do not question my preferences," I replied a bit too harshly. Stephanie lowered gaze and nodded. I opened my mouth to apologize, but was interrupted by the front receptionist, Danielle.

"Mr Villanueva, you have someone waiting for you inside your office," she informed and I frowned.

"You let someone into my office without my presence?" I asked in disbelief.

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