04 | pretending is the easy part, forgetting is harder

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       "Today you have the meeting with the representatives from Savanna Style at The Barish followed by the interview with the new model applicants

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"Today you have the meeting with the representatives from Savanna Style at The Barish followed by the interview with the new model applicants..."

       Stephanie's voice faded into the background as my mind wondered to the news Samantha gave me last night. I could not believe that Alessandra had really offered my hand in marriage like I was a damsel in the 1600's forced to submit into an arranged marriage.

       "Sir, are you listening?" Stephanie called out and I blinked a few times trying to remember what we had been talking about. I could tell she was annoyed by the way her jaw clenched to the side — cute.

       "Yes, I am listening Ms Astoria," I lied as I leaned back into my chair. I folded my hands together on my lap and turned to her with a cocky smile. "We have the meeting with the Savanna Style representatives at The Barish. Then I must return to overlook the interview with the new applicants. Am I right?"

       "You missed three other items on the list," Stephanie pressed her lips together as she scrolled through the tablet in her hand. "The brunch with the CEO of Lyte Studios, the meeting with the photographer department and finally you must meet Ms Knight at Delphine's."

"Mrs Knight," I corrected. Stephanie looked up at me confused and I returned an amused smile. "She's married."

"Oh, I-I thought since she left with you yesterday and the way two were...umm never mind," Stephanie shook her head as if clearing her thoughts and my smile grew.

She couldn't be jealous of Sam? Could she?

I dismissed the thought and stood up from my chair. Although, Stephanie was tall with the help of her heels, I towered a few inches above her. She looked up at me expectingly. Her mint greens eyes held an innocent glimmer that drew me in. My eyes flickered down to her rosy lips. A light shiver ran down my spine as I remembered our passionate night. I had to divert my gaze before I could do anything I would regret.

I cleared my throat as I picked up my phone. As I walked past Stephanie, our bodies grazed against each other but I pretended to be unfazed by the slight contact. I opened the door nonchalantly and turned back to find Stephanie standing there as if reminiscing in her wildest memory.

       "Do you need for me to tell you to walk or will you continue to stand there?" I asked mockingly and Stephanie's head sharply turned to me. Her pale cheeks had turned red as she smiled apologetically.

"Sorry sir," she bowed her head as she walked past me through the door, hiding her embarrassment.

"Oh my Angel," I chuckled under my breathe.

Stephanie perked her head up. "Did you say something sir?"

"No," I lied easily with a shake of my head. Stephanie did not look convinced, but nodded accepting my answer as the truth.

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