24 | revenge is bittersweet

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       The tears from eyes mirrored the rubbing faucet—endless

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       The tears from eyes mirrored the rubbing faucet—endless. No matter how much I scrubbed, I still felt dirty. My hands were clean now, free of any blood, but that was only on the surface. My actions had finally downed on me as soon as Esmeralda led me to the bathroom and I saw myself.

        My skin was beginning to peel from the amount of scrubbing I had been doing, but that did not stop me from trying to erase my cruel mistakes.

       "Fuck!" I yelled as I threw the bar of soap into the sink. I let my head hang as I stifled my cries.

       There was a light tap on the door followed by Esmeralda's voice asking, "Are you alright in there?"

I looked back at the closed door. I immediately wiped away my tears and cleared my nose before walking toward it.

"Yes, I am okay." I offered Esmeralda a faint smile.

Esmeralda glanced down at my hands, then my blood stained shirt, then back up at me. She gave me a sympathetic smile.

"The first time can be hard..." she began.

"I said I am alright," I snapped. My tone came out little harsher than intended.

"Right. Well, I just thought you would want fresh clothes so I brought you these. Dante is on his way and he should be here soon." Esmeralda handed me the clothes before turning on her heel.

I felt the guilt inside me grow. I did not mean to offend her, especially after her kindness.

"Esmeralda!" I called out as I peeked my head out the door. The brunette stopped and turned back. "Thank you."

"No problem guerra (blondie)," she replied.

I gave her one last grateful smile before pulling my upper body back into the bathroom. I leaned against the door and sighed deeply.

       My eyes grazed over to the mirror. I grimaced at the image staring back at me. I slipped off my clothes and hopped into the nearby shower. I wanted to wash off every single trace of the grave sin.

       When I was done scrubbing enough, I rinsed off the soap and stepped out. I grabbed one of the lilac cotton towels and dried off my tired body. The clothes was simple. I put on the white singlet and blue jeans. I tiredly trudged over to the adjacent bedroom and plopped onto the Queen-sized bed. My throbbing temples rocked me to sleep as laid there.


"Look what you have done. You are just as much a monster as I am now sweetie." My father's cold smirk haunted me.

       Around him were his men, laying dead on the floor, surrounded by pools of their own blood. I gasped as I noticed the blood on my hands. I had killed them.

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