17 | the saint and the sinner

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       Dinner was the least enjoyable

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       Dinner was the least enjoyable. Alessandra would not stop throwing daggers at Stephanie any time I was not looking. When I would catch her, she would roll her eyes and look away. Stephanie looked like a small puppy trapped with a pack of wolves. Her frightened expression made me feel guilty. I should have never brought her here.

       "Dante had an idea to bring down the Petrovs," Vincenzo said as he swallowed the last of his steak. He poked around with the few green beans in his plate as he looked at me, motioning me to tell everyone the plan.

        From the corner of my eye, I could see Stephanie looking at me expectingly. She looked a bit worried despite trying to look nonchalant about the situation.

       "I think it is best we talk about it in private," I replied calmly.

I lowered my gaze to the food on my plate. I could feel everyone's eyes on me, but I ignored them.

"Perché così timido? Raccontaci cosa hai pianificato fratello (Why so shy? Tell us what you have planned brother)." Alessandra chewed her food on one side, her lips curved into a defiant smirk. She glimpsed over at Stephanie. "Is it because your girlfriend is here? Isn't she 'family' now though?"

Stephanie looked at me hurt. It was clear that Alessandra's words were creating unnecessary thoughts in her head.

"If you will all excuse me, I think I will be headed to bed for tonight," Stephanie said quietly as she stood up.

"Steph," I called out but she only gave me a small smile and walked out. I turned my head to Alessandra. "Must you keep pushing my buttons?"

Alessandra picked up her glass of wine and swirled the red liquid inside. Her smirk only grew as she took a sip.

"If you must know, I was planning on blackmailing Vladimir. Not incite more violence." I threw my the white cotton napkin on the table and walked out of the room.

"Violence is the only thing that works with these people," Alessandra reminded. "È solo che non vuoi sporcarti le mani perché lei è qui (You just don't want to get your hands dirty because she's here)."

"Alessandra," Vincenzo whispered hoping to get her to back down but she did not listen.

Alessandra stood up and crossed her arms over her chest. Vincenzo pinched the bridge of his nose and let out a sigh of defeat.

"Myung found out that Vladimir's other daughter is having her wedding tomorrow night. I say we go there and show them that they messed with the wrong family," Alessandra suggested. "Show them you are still the ruthless Lupo (wolf)."

"Myung is my consigliere," I frowned. "He works for me not you. How did you get him to—"

"I threatened him. That is how you get things done in this life," Alessandra reminded.

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