38 | lorenzo

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       "Do you think Luca was telling the truth, sir?" Tomas asked as we entered the abandoned forest

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"Do you think Luca was telling the truth, sir?" Tomas asked as we entered the abandoned forest.

The land was desolated. There were a few farms, but they were now miles away from us. If anything happened, there would be no witnesses. It was both a good and bad thing.

"He doesn't know it, but I told Hayden where we were headed. If anything does happen, Hayden will send the royal Night Squad," Julian assured.

"The only thing that will happen is us capturing Lorenzo," I responded.

I knew that my men were nervous.

The whole world knew Lorenzo as the first man to infiltrate the royal palace and assassinate the King. Everyone was scared of him.

"There is a cabin ahead, over." One of my men's voice said through the intercom.

"Proceed with caution," I instructed. "We will enter through the back."

Tomas parked the car a few feet away from the cabin. It was eerily silent.

"Remember, try to keep him alive," I said as loaded my gun and took off the safety-pin.

We moved quietly, but quickly.

Everyone dispersed so we could cover every inch of the cabin. It would not take long before we had Lorenzo in cuffs.

I opened the door nearest to me. I pointed my gun around just in case someone decided to pop out, but the room was completely empty.

I was about to turn and leave when I noticed a red note on the bed. I cautiously walked over to it and picked it up.

Kill him — L, it read.

Shit. It was Luca's handwriting.

"We finally meet, dear cousin." I snapped my head to the entrance of the bedroom. "I must say, you are not at all what I imagined. Hmph, you look pathetic. Not a man worthy of the title you carry."

Lorenzo looked every bit like Julian, however he had more of a menacing look to him.

"You're surrounded Lorenzo. Just give up while you still have the chance," I said in a calm tone.

"And where's the fun in that?" Lorenzo cocked his head to the side with a evil grin. "I must say, I did not think Luca had it in him to betray me, but here we are. I really underestimated that idiot."

"Enough of the chit chat. Drop the knife and surrender!"

"I will not let those bastards win!" Lorenzo's eyes grew dark as he yelled. His anger radiated strongly. "They killed my father and sister with no remorse! I will not let any of them live. They all die, they all will die."

His maniacal expression told me he was definitely not alright upstairs.

"From what Hayden told me, you were the ones that were causing chaos. They only attacked you because you were killing innocent people. You sister was collateral," I replied, but this made him more angry.

"Collateral?! That's what you call the death of your own blood?" Lorenzo let out a sour laugh. "I do not blame you though. In fact, how about we do something, huh? How about you leave that idiot little King and side with me? C'mon, we are family after all."

"I am only showing you mercy because you are my mother's nephew. I know how much she loved her sister and only because of that am I not killing you. But do not test my patience," I growled.

"Oh Dante, Dante, Dante. I do not know how we are even related," Lorenzo said as he took a step closer but I immediately pointed at my gun at him and he froze. "This is your last chance. Join me, or die."

"I choose the latter," I replied and Lorenzo smirked.

"Very well, then..." Lorenzo launched toward me.

I dodged the knife and used my hand to block him from trying to stab me again. We stumbled backward onto the bed.

We both struggled to attack one another. I finally had enough and used my head to head butted him. His nose cracked loudly and he fell onto the bed. I took it as my opportunity to wrap my hands around his neck.

I applied enough pressure to stop his air flow. Lorenzo's face was red from the lack of oxygen.

"Just got to sleep," I said as I tightened my grip. I knew that I could cause him to fall unconscious with this maneuver.

"K-Kill me," he taunted. "D-Do it...k-kill me."

I wanted to give in to his request, but I couldn't. I promised Hayden I would bring the bastard back alive so he could be the one to determine his fate.

"Arrenditi, piccola merda (Give up, you little shit)!" I groaned as I tightened my grip. The bastard only gave me a smug smirk.


I felt a sharp pain on my abdomen. I looked down and found Lorenzo's knife jammed into me.

       Lorenzo gasped for air behind me as he pushed me off. I fell onto the ground clutching my wound.

       "I told you to kill me," he smirked.

       He trudged over to the gun I had dropped and picked it up. He walked back and pointed the gun at me.

       So this was how it was going to end?

       I dropped my head onto the carpet floor.

       The only thing I regretted was not telling my beautiful Angel that I loved her, one last time.

       "Now everyone will know who I am. Not only did I kill the King of Italy, but Il Lopo (The Wolf) as well." Lorenzo's figure became blurry as I started to loose consciousness.

       This was it...this was my end.


Author's Note Hola my lovelies!! So I know, another cliffhanger! But I had to

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Author's Note
Hola my lovelies!! So I know, another cliffhanger! But I had to. Gotta build up the suspense for the finale, right? Next chapter will be out on Friday and we will see if our protagonists survive. Thank you all so much for reading! I'll see you then my lovelies! Remember to vote, comment and share if you enjoyed!
Adios for now!
Xoxo, Liz 💋💋💋

Song: Natural - Imagine Dragons

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