35 | my condolences

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       "Just a few hours ago, we were informed of the tragic death of our beloved King

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       "Just a few hours ago, we were informed of the tragic death of our beloved King. The royal palace was raided last night but Lorenzo Bianchi and his followers. The royal family was immediately evacuated after a fire broke out, however the King was not able to make it out on time. The precise details of last nights events are unknown. But one thing is certain, Italy has lost a great King. Rest in piece, your majesty and long live the king."

       "How could this have happened?" I asked as I turned off my phone and pinched the bridge of my nose.

       "Lorenzo had many allies," Myung said through the other side of the screen. "Your cousin warned us, remember? The few lords we were able to find and kill were not enough. I am guessing he had friends in the upper ranks as well."

       "I failed Hayden. How could I have been so stupid? We should have pushed harder!" I banged my hand on the seat in front of me."

       "None of this is your fault, Dante. Lorenzo is very cunning and smart. He must have been planning this his whole life. Keeping up with him was impossible." Myung tried to assure me. "But now he is vulnerable. Most of his allies were either killed or captured during this raid. He has no one to turn to. This our chance to finally catch him."

"Sir, we are here." Tomas looked back at me through the rear-view mirror.

"You find that bastard, Myung. You find him and bring him to me!" I ordered and Myung nodded.

I ended the call and threw the tablet onto the empty seat beside me.

Tomas opened the door for me and I stepped out. There was an eerie silence. The guards were dressed in their black uniforms instead of the usual blue ones they wore.

"Mr Villanueva, her royal highness is waiting for you," Stephanie, Hayden's personal assistant stated. I found it funny that she was named exactly like my Angel.

"Lead the way," I said and she nodded.

Everyone in the royal palace looked devastated. We passed by the West Wing which was burnt to a crisp. A cold shiver ran down my spine. These poor people had suffered a lot in the span of one night.

"Dante, it is so good to see you!" Flora rushed over to me and pulled me into an embrace.

She looked awful. Her usually rosy cheeks were pale and the glow in her blue eyes was gone. Not even the concealer she wore could cover the intensity of her dark circles.

"How is he?" I asked, but I already knew the answer.

"He lost his father, the man he looked up to. I know he blames himself for his death." Flora's lower lip began to tremble. She tucked it between her lips to stop herself from crying. "It has been really hard, but the thirst for revenge is higher than ever. Lorenzo must pay for what he did."

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