"I can explain, I swear"

Start from the beginning


"I... need to go." She replies, removing her head from mines and grabbing my hoodie from yesterday that I left there, she puts it on and heads over to me, "I'm really sorry, I... I will be back later, I think." She replies, heading over and placing a kiss on my lips. I kiss her back and she grabs a pancake and pulls away, I wrap my arms around her waist,

"Hey, what's wrong?" I ask her, softly.

"Nothing, it... it's okay, I'll be okay." She replies, sending me a smile that I know is fake. I may only have been dating Y/n for 3 months but I can tell when she has a fake or real smile.


"—I'll, uh, I'll call you later. Sorry that I didn't get to stay for longer, I will make it up to you." She says, moving away and I walk after her, wrapping my arms around her waist, seeing her smile. "I have to go," She says, smiling down at me, "Jenna." She says sternly,

"I love it when you say my name like that." I reply, seeing her cheeks turn pink and her eyes move away from me, I place one last kiss on her lips, cupping her face. She kisses me back, her other hand opening the door. I groan, pulling away. "Call me."

"I will." She replies, turning around and heading toward the car.

"You look hot in my hoodie."

"You look hot in my boxers." She replies, I look down and remember I'm wearing her t-shirt and boxers, I blush and she gets in and begins to drive away, I shut and lock the door— shit the pancakes!

I rush into the kitchen and check on the pancake, seeing it's fine, I flip it over and play my own music as I continue to make a batch of pancakes.


It's been 3 days and Y/n hasn't replied to any of my calls or texts, I'm becoming worried and I'm not gonna lie, I really wanna see her. I miss her and I'm gonna miss her even more as I'm leaving in 4 months to go shoot a movie so I want to spend so much time with her but she hasn't said that we can hang out or even reply to my messages. I'm sitting on the couch and I decide to just call her.

It dials and begins to ring. Ring, ring, ring, ring, ring. Gosh, please just answer the phone. Ring, ring r—

"Hello?" I hear Y/n's voice,

"Baby! There you are, I've been trying to reach you for 3 days, where've you been?" I ask her, happy and relieved that she answered, I hear her chuckle softly.

"I'm sorry, my darling, I forgot to call. Just... a friend's going through something and in desperate need of help, I've been having to pick up the slack at work." She informs me, I'm sceptical of this answer as she would've said the friend's name, I know everyone in her life as they're friends of mines as well.

"Oh, what friend?" I ask,

"A new friend. They just started working her a couple of days ago— hey, look, I gotta go but I'll text you soon, okay?"

"Hey, wait, where're you rushing off too?" I ask her, wanting to hear her voice more.

"I gotta work."

"And I need some love, Y/n." I reply, earning a laugh from her.

"I will give you some love soon." She replies,

"Soon isn't now." I say through a groan, her continuing to laugh making me smile. I love her laugh, it's contagious and cute. She hates her laugh but I love it.

"All right, I really gotta go." She tells me, I huff,

"Yeah, yeah, I'll see you later?"

"Maybe." She replies, I sigh,

Jenna x Reader One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now