Mission Erza Is A Go

Start from the beginning

"Yo, Erza." Gray called out, "We're here."

Erza looked up from her battle plan as the handsome boy sauntered over to her.

She stuffed the paper she held.

Gray gave her a suspicious look, "What's that?"

"Nothing." She said briskly as she straightened up, "Now gather the others. We have a class to start."

And a dare to complete, she thought to herself.

Gray went back to standing with the quarreling Natsu and Gajeel.

Erza walked over to the center of the room.

The people who had gathered looked back at her expectantly.

There were the three idiots, Bisca, the country girl, her friend - Aries and a couple of others.

Her own friends stood beside the group.

Erza wondered what would happen to the class after magic swept in.

Would things remain the same?

Erza snapped out of her thoughts to address the students.

"Today, we have a little complicated exercise."

"Bring it on!" Natsu yelled.

"In a moment, Natsu," The red head said calmly, "This particular session involves an intense work out. I would advise the boys to take off your shirts and any other accessories..."

"I'm okay with that," Gray said.

"Including your bracelets, Gray," Erza said as casually possible.

She tried her level best to not look like she was planning something but it didn't help that her friends were grinning so widely, they were almost blinding her.

And Juvia... Was the girl alright?

"What about us girls? Do we change to sweats or somethin'?" Bisca wanted to know.

"No," Erza said, "You'll be fine."

Bisca nodded.

"Aries?" Erza asked the new student.

"Y-y-yes?" The gorgeous girl with fluffy, pink hair looked up.

Everyone in class knew that Aries had a bit of a stutter.

Erza smiled kindly at the girl, "Welcome to Defence Class."

Aries blushed with a smile, "T-thank you, Erza..."

All the girl needed was a little encouragement.

Erza sensed a strong, kind girl under the shyness and was determined to bring it out.

"Uh, Erza?"

"Yes, Levy?"

"The guys have already left..."

Erza snapped up, "What?"

Lucy smiled, "They left to the boys' changing room."

"Got it."

Erza walked toward the exit of the classroom, "Fill them in, Mira." She said, knowing Bisca and Aries were probably confused.

Erza waited patiently outside the boys' changing room.

She tapped her foot a little impatiently.

How long did those morons intend on dressing?

Even Lucy was faster!

She was just about to angrily barge into the room when the door opened on it's own accord and the three boys ran out.

"I'll be first!"

"You wish!" Gray called, running in front of Natsu.

"Y'er both losers." Gajeel called running past both of them.

Erza sighed as she watched the boys run past without even noticing her.

These were the trouble makers she'd have to slap into fighters.

Erza stepped into the boys' room and closed the door behind her.

They were good boys. They weren't bad in the heart.

They actually cared about others' well being.

Erza stepped past Natsu's shirt and made her way to the bench.

There were lockers on both sides of the room and a window at the other side.

Erza scanned the room for Gray's bracelets.

She found them on a bench and hastened toward it.

Taking the bracelet in her hand, Erza let the metal slide down her fingers.

That's when she heard it.

Someone was at the door and was opening it.

Erza had enough time to recognize Jellal Fernandez' shadow slipping across the floor before she acted fast.

A/N: I wuv you guys!!

Thank you for taking time to actually read my story!!

Thank you!!

Question: Would you read if I put out three FT Fnfic Wattpad novels?

Would you?

Please let me know!!

Till next time,


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