"Hey—Hey! Hey, you're okay, you're okay, you're—" He whimpers, tears filling his eyes. "Hey, it's okay, you're okay. I got you." I glance around and reach for my phone, going to call an ambulance. He whimpers, shaking his head. "It— You're okay— Ryan, I... I got you—"

"—Y/n, Y/n— watch it!" I hear him say, moving himself up and hovering his body around me. I jump, hearing a gunshot and gasp, looking and seeing him bleed out in my arms.

"No..." I whimper, "No, no, no," I glance around and see Matt Corrigan pointing a gun at me. "Matt..." I let out, softly. Putting my hands up. "P—Please, I... I didn't... I've barely lived, please." I plead with him, seeing him stare me down, tears in his eyes, as if he was fighting his own demons. "Matt, please, put... put the gun down." I tell him, sniffling, I move Ryan's body off of me whimpering, I stand up, my legs shaking and I struggle to stand myself up.

"Hey—Hey! Hey! Not... Not another step!" Matt shouts at me,

"Matt— Matt! Matt, look at me!" I shout at him, seeing his eyes meet mines, I try to slow down my breathing. "Matt, it's just us. We—We used to be friends—"

"—And you left me!" He shouts at me, sobbing. "You left me for your new fucking friends! Why would you do that?!"

"Shh, shh, it's okay, I'm sorry. I... I..." I see him move the gun toward me, "I hate myself! Matt, I hate myself for leaving you, I'm sorry! I'm so so sorry! I didn't want to leave you but I couldn't deal and I felt as if I was a burden to you—" I see him lowering his gun, "I felt so much like a burden, like—like I was a chore and I didn't know how much longer I could take of it— I... I was so sick of it! I didn't want to put you through that, Matt, I—I couldn't put you through the pain." I tell him, sobbing and shaking my head. "But please, don't do this to me, man, please." I plead with him, my bottom lip quivering as my hands are shaking and my thighs are shaking so much that it's beginning to become hard to stand up.

"I'm sorry, I—I—I'm so sorry." He apologises, lowering his gun. I take in a soft gasp.

"It's..." I swallow the lump in my throat, "It's okay," I say softly, stepping toward him, seeing him tremble in the spot, waiting for me to hug him, "can I hug you, Matt?" I ask him, softly.

"Don't hurt me." He tells me,

"I won't ever do that to you." I deny, speaking softly, shaking my head. He hears footsteps and quickly turns to look down a corridor, accidentally pulling the trigger due to his jumpiness, shooting someone. I flinch and leap toward him, tackling him to the ground and kicking his gun away.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no! No! No! No!" I shout to him, stopping his random movements, I feel sudden pain in my stomach, the gunshot ringing in my ear after, my breath hiccups. I look down and see he—he shot me. "Matt..." I let out, "Matt, what'd... what'd you do?" I ask him, tears falling down my cheeks.

"I..." He gets up, me falling to the side, I gasp, whimpering in pain. He stares me down. "I... I'm sorry. I'm— I'm so sorry." He apologises, I gasp, glancing around, trying to see where I could go. I see him run away from me, I whimper, letting my shaky hands take initiative. I head toward the bathroom that was practically right beside me and I push the door open, whimpering.

"Ow... Ow, shit, shit, shit, shit." I let out, I try to get to my feet but I fall, whimpering. I hear a sob that didn't come from me, "H...Hello?" I say, "Help. Please, someone... someone help me, I've been..." I let out a small sob, shaking my head, "I've been shot." I say, sobbing.

"Y/n?" I hear my beautiful girlfriend Vada's voice,

"Va... Vads. Vads, help me, I... I need help." I say to her, hearing the door open and her figure walk out, she looks around and sees me, whimpering. "Baby, help me."

"M—Mia, Mia, I need you to call someone. Mia, call someone right now." She says, rushing over to me and wrapping her arms around my body, pulling me in for a tight hug. I whimper, her pulling my body close to her. "No, no, you're okay. You're okay, you're okay. Stop— Just stop— Mia, Mia, please! Any day now." She says, glancing away,

"Vada— Vada." I let out, feeling all pain stop, my breath hitches, she turns to me. "It... It's stopped hur—hurting." I say, breathless, seeing tears fall down her cheeks, I let out a small smile. "It... It doesn't hurt."

"No, no, Y/n. Y/n." I hear her say, "I love you, I love you, say it back—! Say it back! No, no, no, no, no! Say—" She hitches a breath,

"I... I love..." I feel my eyes become heavy, "I love you." I let out, feeling everything go quiet.

Vada's POV:

"I love you." I hear her say softly, her eyes move to the ceiling and her head dips more into my arm,

"Y/n." I say, my breath hitching. "Y/n, no, no," I whimper out, "no, please. Don't do this to me, don't— we—we still need to date, we still need to get each other promise rings—! I... I was going to give it to you on our next date. I... I'll give it to you, right now. I have it. I have it." I say to her, I pull out the ring and put it on her finger, crying into her chest as I put it on my ring finger. "There, there we go. Now, will you please stop? Please— Please! Y/n! Just... Just wake up! Just wake up!" I say, shaking her body. I hear multiple gun shots, scream then one final gunshot. I sob into Y/n's chest. "Don't do this to me, baby, don't do this, come on, now. Please. Just—Just—" I let out a small sob before I continue to break down, not letting go of her body.

Just stay with me, my love. I will see you once again.


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