Luka Chapter Twenty-Eight

Start from the beginning

"To think I spent all this time following you everywhere to tell you that I love you Chat Noir! I'm so miserable!" Marinette starts crying out before running to her room claiming nobody would love her, causing (y/n) to rest her head on my shoulder and mumble how she was overdoing it and I laugh while reassuringly rubbing her shoulder.

"Well, I uh...Don't wanna bother you any longer, I'm really sorry and thanks for having me anyway," Chat apologizes as he goes to leave when we see Tom make a fist. "Would you mind going with him, just in case?" I'm asked and I nod. "I'll call you later and we can head to our favorite cafe," Kissing (y/n) goodbye I head out with Chat who was muttering to himself about how he messed up. "No, you didn't, you had to be honest with your feelings and it was better to tell Marinette now while her crush is still new so it wouldn't have hurt as much as it would later. You did the right thing."

Suddenly we hear a noise and turn around to see long vines growing out of the house and our faces drop as Chat Noir says, "I really messed up. MARINETTE!" "(Y/N)!" I scream as we both run back inside to find Sabine staring up at the vine in shock, Chat Noir soon apologizes. "I'm so sorry this is all my fault!" "Of course not, it's Tom. No matter how many times I tell him he always takes things too far." 

"I promise I'll get your family back safe and sound." "Shouldn't you wait for Ladybug and (s/n)?" "No time too, besides they'll be here I know it and I trust them." "You three really are such great friends. I have faith in you Chat Noir, you're a good person, never apologize for your feelings."

Chat extends his staff to go up and I grab hold of the staff when Sabine gives me a worried look. "You're not thinking of going up there are you?" "Yes I am, (y/n)'s in trouble and needs me and I promised myself I'd be there for her always." "You really love her don't you?" "With all my heart," I smile before letting out a scream as the staff lifts me high into the air, way beyond the clouds even and I land on a vine platform shaped like a rose. "Luka, what are you doing here? It's dangerous!" Chat Noir tells me and I give him a determined look. "(y/n)'s in danger up here and it's my job to protect her when she needs me to, she has to be stuck in that vine ball," I exclaim pointing at the ball.

Before we could argue more about me being here we hear a deep voice yell "How dare you come back after what you've done!" Chat and I look to see that Tom looked like a werewolf with vines wrapped around his wrists and waist. He jumps high into the air and comes barreling toward us with his fist. Chat and I both jump out of the way. "I will always be here to save Marinette!" Chat say, blocking a punch with his staff. "She's safe from you and all the boys who want to break her heart!"

"What about (y/n)?! Her heart's not broken, I reciprocate her feelings so why does she have to be trapped?" I ask, pulling on the vine to distract him while Chat got away. "If she's up here then that means you're not good enough for her and I swear that I'm gonna crush your bones!" He swings his vine, sending me flying and I tumble off of the platform, quickly grabbing a thorn before I fell. 

Climbing back up I see Chat Noir had Weredad distracted so I run up to the stem and started climbing. Hang on (y/n) I'm coming. "I forbid you to save them, you don't deserve to!" Weredad yells soon throwing Chat Noir my way and I fall back onto the platform. "Are you planing to protect them all their lives?" "Exactly! I'll keep them safe from anything that may harm them!" "You can't protect her from what hurts the most and do you know what hurts the most? Solitude!" Chat shouts as he uses his staff to hold Weredad. "Do you really want them to sit in front of a cold meal every day with no one to talk to in this prison of roses?"

"They will never be alone! One day a prince or princess for each will come and be daring enough to face me and the many dangers and pick the magic rose for her." "How much you wanna bet the rose is in there with her," I say as we stare at the vineball and then at Weredad, it was beginning to feel like we wouldn't be able to win. This proved to be the most likely outcome as we were continues hit and thrown around, Chat Noir's staff was even broken. We were both so tired that we could barely put up a fight when Weredad picked us up to throw us off the platform. Just as he reached for Chat Noir's ring he reverted back to Tom and we began falling as the vines fell apart.

The three of us let out a scream when Ladybug and (s/n) show up and after confirming Marinette and (y/n) were safe they worked on getting us to safety which was done by making a hang glider out of the sail of a boat. We land and I ended up falling into (s/n)'s arms from being so tired. I soon feel better when the miraculous ladybugs fly by and me, Tom, Sabine, and Chat Noir race back inside to check on Mari and (y/n).

Heading upstairs we find them ok and I pull (y/n) in and start showering her with kisses and afterward Marinette told her dad to calm down and that Chat Noir could love whoever he wanted when we learned that he was going to say Marinette was a fan when she jumped on him with a confession and we laugh when Tom offers to give Chat baggets to the girl he's in love with.

Author: Starting tomorrow I'm gonna go on a week break because flying back to school tomorrow, figure out how my schedule is gonna work and the website I'm using is acting up so if it doesn't fix itself in the next few days I'll have to figure something out. Thank you for reading and I'll see you when I get back, I'm excited for next episode!

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