It wasn't long before Tom was calling up for us and Marinette begged me and the kwamiis to help and we exchange pity looks. Heading back in we see the boys hadn't been let in but when the doorbell rang, Tom dragged us to the door to answer it. Opening the door we see a nervous Chat Noir with a pink rose and an amused Luka who chuckled behind his hand when Tom picked Chat up and hugged him yelling, "Welcome to our home!" Sabine scolds Tom who sets him down and we get to watch Mari and Chat awkwardly say hi and give the French greeting.

Luka approaches me and wraps his arm around my shoulder, pulling me close before kissing the top of my head and whispered, "You weren't kidding, Chat Noir actually showed up and I could feel the awkwardness seeping through the door. Why did she say she was in love with him again?" "She thought she was gonna be accused of something and she went into a panic and blurted the first thing that came to mind," I snicker and Luka joins me when Tom gushes about how Chat brought Mari a pink rose.

"Marinette loves pink! You two already know each other so well!" "Everyone loves pink dad it doesn't mean anything," Marinette downplays the rose as she takes it, and Chat shrugs, "Besides we don't know each other that well." "He's right, it happened so fast." "Love at first sight, how romantic! Come take a seat," The four of us are quickly rushed to the table and we take a seat. 

After a moment of intense silence Chat and Mari say in unison, "I have something to tell you," They don't get long to say what they wanted to say before Tom puts down the first meal. "Sweethearts' vol-au-vent, for a double date, co course," Tom gestures toward the two-tiered heart-shaped tray with the heart-shaped vol-au-vent. Chat Noir, Luka, and I help ourselves while Tom gets straight to the point with questions. "Tell me Chat Noir is being a superhero a steady profession?" Chat Noir understandably coughs out his food and I raise my eyebrow and think. We were supposed to be getting paid? Since when?! "Tom!"

"What?" "You're right Dad, it's gotta be super dangerous being a superhero's girlfriend maybe I should rethink this," Marinette says, hoping her parents would agree and tell her they can't date but alas that was not the case. "Of course, not sweetie, Chat Noir wouldn't a hero all his life. Once he's defeated Hawkmoth he won't need to run on the rooftops saving people."

Luka and I exchange looks when he points out, "But won't he need to keep his identity a secret even then just in case he's needed again?" "Exactly, he wouldn't be able to tell Marinette his identity without putting her in danger," I chime in but it seems Tom hadn't even heard us, instead he was going on about how Chat could work at the bakery. "Maybe Chat Noir doesn't wanna be a baker at all," Marinette argues, and Chat nods but Tom doesn't seem to get it still.

"The Dupain-Chat Noir Bakery! Doesn't that sound purrfect?" He continues on a rant about a future between Marinette and Chat Noir when Luka whispers, "Now I see where she gets her long rants from," I giggle and nod as we watch Tom go on about how Mari loves hamsters. "What did you want to name your future hamster again sweetie?" "This is a nightmare..." Marinette mumbles as she buries her face in her hands.

"Nightmare, right. That's a funny name,  isn't it? I'll bring the next course," Tom takes the tray and brings back a heart-shaped souffle and we all give Tom a slightly confused look. "Tom why don't we let Chat Noir tell us himself how he feels about all this," Sabine suggests and Mari nods, soon sending an accusatory glare Chat's way.

"Good idea Mom. He seems like the kind of guy who changes his mind rather quickly," Chat gulps as he rubs the back of his neck nervously before addressing everyone at the table. "Here's the thing...You're all really nice people and this meal is delicious and by far the friendliest I've had in a long time. Marinette, you're an awesome girl and I get that you have feelings for me after all I'm awesome in so many ways even I'd fall in love with myself," We all give him a confused look and he coughs when he sees his joke didn't land.

"Anyways I'm afraid my heart belongs to someone else." "Ladybug?" Marinette asks and Chat shakes his head. "Not anymore, I used to love her but I was rejected so many times and (s/n) the great friend she is wouldn't let me keep getting hurt so I moved on. There's a girl in my civilian life I love and I'm actually working up the courage to ask her out soon so I'm really sorry Marinette but I can't accept your feelings."

Marinette's parents gasp and look at their daughter worriedly. Marinette begins to light up when I kick her under the table to remind her, her parents were watching. "This is so-" She looks at her parents before going into a sad act. "So sad! To think I spent all this time following you everywhere to tell you that I love you Chat Noir! I'm so miserable!" She starts fake crying into her hands and in exasperation I rest my head on Luka's shoulder muttering, "She's overdoing it..." I feel him chuckle as he rubbed my shoulder reassuringly. "No one will ever love me! I'll end up all alone with my hamster and its name will be Loneliness!" Marinette rushes to her room and I sigh.

"Well I uh...Don't wanna bother you any longer, I'm really sorry  and thanks for having me anyway," Chat apologizes as he goes to leave when we see Tom make a fist. "Would you mind going with him, just in case?" I ask Luka and he nods understandably. "I'll call you later and we can head to our favorite cafe," He says before we kiss and he heads out with Chat and I head up to Mari's room with the excuse of checking on her.

I head up to see her humming happily to herself and I cross my arms asking, "Don't you think that act was a little much?" "Well I had to act heartbroken." "But did you haveto act that heartbroken, you could've at least reassured everyone you'd be ok, Chat looked really upset that he hurt you feelings and I have a feeling if your dad could he'd hurt Chat for supposedly 'breaking your heart'," Before we could talk more about it we notice a purple mist surround the room and we both instinctively reach for our respective kwamiis who tried to fly to us but the purple mist blocked them. I feel myself rise high into the air before the mist disappears showing vines surrounding me like I was stuck in a ball made of vines with no sign of Flaake, Marinette or Tikki.

You're The Music That's Been Playing In My Head: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now