102-{Y/N} moody and the deathly hallows

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*in which you, alastor mad eye moodys daughter, return to hogwarts for the first time after being expelled, to help harry potter. harry is wanted because of his connections to voldemort, you because you are as smart as they come. youre mad*

moodys not dead.


{Y/N} mad gal moody was expelled from hogwarts in her 6th year, at the age of 17. moody was very surprised you made it that far, considering you being... you.

if anyone thought that he was crazy, you were even worse. you were a sociopath, a real life crazy person.

you often talked to yourself, you isolated yourself, and didnt care much for anyone, unless they were close to you.

you were expelled when you faught a monticore, and killed it, bringing the body into your dorm room for experiments.

dumbledore had to put you away from the school at this point. you were unstable and dangerous.

the reason you battled that monticore, is because even if you were mad, you were extraordineraly smart. exceptionally smart.

you tested a protecting spell you invented. a protecting spell so strong, that for an entire day, no matter what came against you, you would suffer no injuries, not even a scratch.

you were too dangerous around other students, but just the right asset for the order of the pheonix.

after being expelled, she was welcomed with open arms into the order of the pheonix, immediatly inhabiting sirius blacks house and using every corner for her potions and studies, everything filled with plants, books, bottles and viels, as well as all kinds of experiments.

everyone got used to your madness.

everyone got used to you dressing in a weird way, got used to your alcohol drinking and smoking, speaking with yourself, and sometimes isolating yourself for days on end.

it didnt bother anyone. and even if it did, they were more then welcomed to take it up with your father, alastor moody.

he loved you more then anything, and hed do anything for you.

he was almost happy when you were expelled, so he could have you close to him, keep you in check, and protected.

every year, you would come up with new spells and potions, every one more impressive then the last, most with purpose, some with no purpose, just for fun.

you had trouble connecting to many people, but the weasley twins were very easy. everyone keeps saying theyre not mad, but you keep insisting that they are. well, whos to say?

it was easy for you to get close with remus and sirius as well, as they were always in grimmualds place, always there with you, even when your father was at work.

for a few years, when you kept working on your own things and not going to school, it seemed like you got stable.

you seemed stable for a long time, and even after siriuss death, you seemed stable.

you sat infront of remus in the house, drinking tea, while talking.

"how you holding up?" remus asks, stirring the tea in his mug.

"fine. you?" you ask, doing the same, except that your tea contained liquor.

"well, you know, we have been very close for such a long time... its hard loosing him again, this time... permenently" he sighs, sniffling.

"well, what you gonna do? lifes a bitch and then you die, right?" you smirk with a chuckle, looking up at remus.

hes been crying, even though he died 2 weeks ago.

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