101-snape x reader

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*part 2 of you being recruited into the death eaters as a ruse. you and snape bond. a lot*


you changed a lot. a whole lot. you stopped talking as much as you did, and became much more quiet and reserved, and less going out. it was a whole change.

you somehow found yourself in so many parties, sitting somewhere and drinking by yourself, staring off into the abiss. and youd be sitting there for a while, staring off, until you fell asleep right at that spot, even on that rooftop party where you fell asleep at the edge of the castle, feet hanging down the castle and leaning on a post.

you woke up there with a gasp and almost falling forward, but moved back and fell on your back, gasping and breathing hard.

when you finally opened your eyes, to your surprise, professor snape was on the rooftop as well.

you saw him, eyes blurry still from all that you drank, and honestly you still felt drunk, and he was running over to you.

he fell to his knees before you and pulled you away from the edge, and helped you sit up.

"look at me {Y/N}" he started with checking on you, looking for any bruises, but he stopped when he realised you were safe and uninjured, but still drunk.

he helped you up and lectured you all the way down till he got you to your dorm room, shoved you in your bed and left you there to sleep with water and pieces of lemon by your bed.

he was angry with you, but he also felt so... bad for you. he knew what you were doing.

you were escaping your life, escaping the secret in your head that would ruin your whole life.

it was so fast, the entire decision to change your whole life and become a death eater, so fast. you regretted it. it was too much. but now, you had to live with it.

you had to live with that mark on your arm, always covering it and always hiding it, and when you could, youd destroy your arm as much as you could.

snape saw the cuts on the mark on one of the meetings. cuts all around the ominous tattoo, and nail markings, as well as one staple stapled into your arm.

his heart scrunched.

after that meeting, when you both returned to hogwarts, and when you sat in his room, he cleaned your arm carefully for you, and healed it.

it was a new routine for you two. after every meeting, when youd return from it back to hogwarts, youd go together to his quarters.

he knew it was very hard for you, and he just wanted to give you some company. make sure you stay in his life.

youd usualy sit under his windowsill and look outside, beside you a cup of hot tea that he made you.

hed usualy sit on his sofa and read, ocassionaly looking over to you, looking up at the moon and drinking your tea.

you never slept there. always would get up, thank him dearly and leave back to your dorm towards the morning.

he didnt mind.

one night, when you returned from a meeting, tired and exhausted, snape stood in the kitchen and made two cups of tea while you went to sit under the window seal.

with the two cups, he walks back to his sitting area and hands you over your cup, then goes and sits on the sofa himself.

he sips. he opens his book. he looks at you.

nothing seems very much out of the ordinary, but something was off. something weird.

after some time, snape raised his eyes from his boon after he heard shuffling, and found you on the floor, right by his feet, looking up at him.

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