91-remus lupin x reader

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*in which you, charlie weasleys best friend, move back to hogwarts after being with charlie in romania working with dragons, to take the DADA teacher position in hogwarts, and once again meet lupin who asks for your help*

this is the craziest, most messy and weird piece i have probably ever written. alcohol, drugs, sex, sirius, very cheeky and sarcastic reader. youre a tiger animagus because i said so.


"and also, this year, we are welcoming a new DADA teacher into hogwarts!" dumbledore calls. everyone is already used to this, as they all say,

"the position is cursed"

"please everyone, welcome kindly your new teacher, miss {Y/N} {L/N}!" dumbledore yells and turns over to motion for you.

his hand points at you exactly as you sip from your wine, and you gasp, and start coughing and spitting out wine as you do so, holding your hand over your face and putting the glass down.

finally, you stand up reluctantly and smile at all the students.

this feels wrong, i was in their position just 2 years ago, and im barely 20! its weird for me to teach them, right? it is weird. but that way, when im young, theyll like me most, and we can get along much better!

you smile at the hall, and then realise that dumbledore is motioning for you to walk over to him. you look left, and right. theres people there.

so you step on the table and jump off on the other side, walking over to him.

he smiles at you and holds your shoulder.

"she studied here 2 years ago, and have worked with dragons in romania since then, and she agreed to come and teach you all" he says.

the hall claps for you.

"do you have anything to say?" dumbledore asks you hushly.

"er.. well... i hope we'll have a great year, and be good friends and... yeah" you smile again.

then, you go over to the table again, but mcgongall motions for you to walk around the table and you do so, pushing through everyone till you get to your seat.

"and, with the addition of lovely {Y/N}, we are having another new teacher for our faculty, your new professor for muggle studies is remus lupin!"

you looked as a man stood up, bowing gently and smiling even gentler.

he looks like... i remember him. he was friends with my parents, and i remember seeing at the weasley home. wow! i wonder if he remembers me as well!


he does remember you. he was much surprised to see that you are the new teacher who got the job as a defense against the dark arts teacher, which he also applies to, but it seems that you got it first. weird.

he remembers your parents, and he remembers you living in the weasley residence, he remembers seeing you all the time around, and he remembers how close you were, and he remembers how he also was there when you and charlie moved together to romania to work with dragons.

he held tight through out dinner, and right as it finished he ran to find you.

he found you standing off to the side fo the castle, leaning on the wall and infront of you three students standing, harry potter, ron weasley and hermione granger.

he walks over, and as he stands behind, he hears the conversation.

"no, charlies alright. hes working hard, but loves it" you smiled.

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