51-{Y/N} being a hot mess in hogwarts

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*{Y/N} being kicked out of divinition for some reason, and sent to dumbeldores office.
yall will have to imagine {Y/N} is MC styles, cursed or super powerful or whatever.
{Y/N} is wolfstar child... kinda... adopted aham aham*


harry climbs up into diviniton class right after hermione and you. the two of you have been talking since the second you left your dorm, throughout the whole breakfast and all the way now to divinition.

after what happened over christmas, the weasley borrow being attacked with you in it, and almost being kidnapped, youve been speculating and wondering what would be the reason for the death eaters to chase after you.

all you could come up with, is that they want more levrege over harry.

why you? good question.

"my head is going to explode" ron murmurs to harry as they get up to the divinition class, but their heads snap back deeper into the room at the sound of a yell.

"christ, whats happening?" {Y/N} asks, looking back towards the yell and finding trelawney, her eyes wide under her glasses and her hands on her cheeks. shes shaking and whimpering.

she starts stalking towards you hesitently, as she takes a step forward she takes two back, holding herself.

"whats happening?" hermione asks, walking closer to you and putting her hand on your shoulder. you look over to her with confusion written all over your face, brows furrowed and nose scrunching up.

"i dont know, do i have something on my face?" you ask and lift your hand to gesture at your face, but trelawney is screaming again and jumps a little closer to hermione and slaps her hand from your shoulder,

"dont touch her!" trelawney yells at hermione.

"whats going on?" harry asks now, walking closer. "look at her!" trelawney yells. shes scared, screaming and shaking and pointing at you, and she doesnt let herself get close to you as if you are a leper.

"i am..." harry whispers, standing beside trelawney and looking at you up and down. theres nothing much that alarms him. you are wearing a black skirt and a sweater that could be considered a fashion hazzard, but not enough to jestify the screaming and yelling.

"look at you! my god, my child..." trelawney finally gets the courege to get closer to you, even if shes still standing a foot away from you while taking a hold of your bicep, digging her fingers into your arm.

"ow" you say lowly, scrunching your face and leaning down as she pulls you down, her face is so close to yours.

"you are full of... bad! bad!" she yells, practically throwing you away, making you stumble back in confusion.

"what are you talking about?" hermione asks quickly. "bad aura... darkness and evil is pouring out of your pores and your soul is drowned in unholy... sinful energy!" she yells, pointing at you and stumbling back.

"thats hurtful..." you whisper, looking down with furrowed brows.

trelawney, still scared, gets to her desk and grabs a tea cup from it, and so quickly, with a screech she chucks it at you.

you duck down, the cup flying over your head and breaking on the wall.

"hey!" "leave you evil! leave and let go you demon! you... malicious crooked demon!" she takes a small plate and chucks it at you again, you just accidently dodge it.

"what are you doing!" hermione yells, her, harry and ron are all spreading out in the room, hermione to you and ron and harry to trelawney.

"get away!" she yells, taking another cup and taking a step forward to aim it better at you, "before anyone else is hurt by you, you-you no good sin-whiser!" she keeps yelling.

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