78-hans landa x russian spy!reader

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*in which hans landa falls for a woman, without knowing shes a russian spy*

TW-long, some sexual themes, nazis, communists, guns, poisoning


"у меня нету много времини-" (i dont have much time-) the {H/C} haired woman whispers into the public phone, looking outside, "но я думою, что мне по-долше надо-" (but i think ill need more time)

and she sees it then. two tall blonds, stomping their boots down the sidewalk, and before them another one, his head high and he has this little smirk on his face.

quickly, she hangs the phone up and takes a deep breath before leaving the phone booth, and turns to the three men.

the man smiles, and stops his goons behind him with a wave of his hand, himself opening his arms to the sides and walking up to you, "mademoiselle, comme ç'est beau de te voir" (madam, how nice it is to see you!" he calls to her, smiling widely

"je viens d'appeler votre bureau monsieur" (i was just about calling your office sir) she replies with a gentle smile, walking up to him.

he chuckles and takes her hand, kissing her knuckles and then pulling even closer to kiss both her cheeks one after the other.

"i am sorry i am a little late, mein liebchen" he says, holding her hands and smiling at you so sweetly, one of his hands on your cheek, his thumb rubbing the cheekbone, "i got caught up at work" he tries, looking down at her.

"oh, it is quite alright colonel, i could never come complaining to you" you laugh, looking up at him and smiling widely.

he is so so smart, how didnt he figure it out by now?

"well, now i owe you" he laughs, taking your hand and turning to start walking again, "now we should continue, Dr. geobbles must be waiting for us" he says, and with a quick step, you both enter a beautiful restaurant.

you continue walking, and are greeted both by geobbles, his translator, some german solider and a french madam sitting beside him.

"und wer ist die schöne Dame bei Ihnen, Oberst?" (and whos the lovely lady with you, colonel?) geobbles asks, reaching his hand forward to you, shaking it gently, "mein Name ist {Y/N} {L/N}" (my name is {Y/N} {L/N}) you reply, shaking his hand back and smiling as you bow your head.

the minister of propaganda smiles surprised, almost laughing as his hand grips your hand tigther. "und ein Deutscher!" (and a german speaker!) he seems very pleased. "nur ein kleiner Doktor" (only a bit doctor) she adds, motioning with her finger a pinch.

he laughs and nods, saying something to his translator. Hans wraps his hand around your shoulder, and slides it down to your waist, smiling widely, "die frau ist tänzerin!" (the madam is a dancer) hans says proudly, then leans closer to the doctor to whisper, "und ein Psychologe" (and a psychologist) he adds. the doctors eyes make some kind of funny twinkle, and he smiles wider.

"und sie beschließt, Tänzerin zu werden?" (and she chooses to be a dancer?) the doctor asks, almost laughing. meanwhile, you stand there, looking like you dont understand the most of it. "es ist eine gemeinsame entscheidung" (its a mutual decision) hans says, gripping your waist tighter as the both of them laugh wildly.

"sit main liebchen, sit" finally, hans pulls back a chair, helping you to settle into it, and he sits down beside you.

you look around the table, the two evil nazis, the solider who looks like a little boy, and the blond french lady sitting beside him, looking very, very uncomfortable.

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