52-nanami kento x reader

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gojo picks up his phone from his pocket and smiles at the name tag, his little sister.

"hey pumpkin pie!" he calls as he presses the phone to his ear with his left and raises his right fist and smashs it into a curses face, sending it flying out of the building.

hes never missing a call from his sister, even on a mission.

"yeah, dont give me your pie of pumpkin, why is nanami not picking up?" you come on the other end of the phone.

"always great to get a call from you, little sister" he laughs, jumping up and kicking another curse in their body, sending it flying to the wall and breaking it.

"i-im sorry... he hasnt picked up my calls, and hes probably at work with you so..." you mummbled, rubbing your eyes.

"oh... i know... yeah, hes supposed to be in his office, you can go look for him" gojo says, looking at the clock, reading it 7:00. overtime.

luckily, you recently finished your studies in jujutsu tech, and since you decides to be a sorcorer, you stayed on campus with your brother, gojo saturo, and your boyfriend, nanami kento.

"yeah, i guess ill go. when are you coming back?" you ask, he hears as you get up from your bed and start russtling.

"oh, im just finishing up here and ill be back, i guess" he mummbles as he starts walking around.

"dont forget to br-" "bring mochi, i know pumpkin" he laughs, pushing his hand into his pocket and turning around to leave.

"okay, see you later. bye ass" you smirk, "bye pumpkinn!!" he calls, and the phone call ends.


nanami looks at his desk clock. its 7:20, and he cant be more annoyed that he has to stay overtime, and not be home on his sofa and hugging you to his chest, not moving, not thinking, just cuddling.

but he cant. if he wants to buy you the perfect engagment ring, he needs to work until he can find the perfect one.

he knows exactly which one he wants to get you, but he needs to find where he can buy it. money is not his problem, the search for the perfect one is the harder task.

he keeps browsing around the internet, his hand holding his chin as the computer illuminates his face, his round eye glasses lying on his nose lowly.

hes tired, but he already has the perfect date to propose to you which is just in a few weeks, on your birthday, so he has to find the perfect one soon.

but to his annoyance, he hears stomping outside. you and saturo had a few things in common, except for your carefree attitude and very questionable humor, you also had familiar walking.

your laid back, slow walking was a little different, you were more silent, but when stomping or running, he could hear it was someone from the gojo house.

there it is, fast and swift outside his door. he needs a little more practice to know which one is you and which one is your brother, but he cant risk it.

he slams his laptop closed and pulls infront of his some papers and pens, his desk is always full of stuff.

just in time, his door is kicked open and in comes you, his darling girlfriend.

he looks up from the papers he just pulled infront if his face and looks as you stomp into the room, not bothering to try and close the door and over to him.

he watchs with interest, his eyebrow raised as you walk over to his desk and stand above it, your hands on your hips and a scowl.

"well?" he asks, his hands resting on the table. you seem to have stormed in here, but didnt have a plan. like usual.

you look at each other for a few longs moments until you look down to his desk and push his papers and pens off of it, a cup flies off and his computer flies to the edge of the table.

"very good" he says sarcastically. to finish, you pluck the papers out from his hand and throw them behind you onto the floor thats now scattered with papers and everything else that was on his desk.

again, you stare at each other.

"you want something?" he asks.

groaning, you throw your head back as you walk around the desk and over to him. he chuckles as he watchs you drag yourself over pathetically and pushs his chair back to catch you just as you slump down on his lap, your hands wrapping themselves around his torso and your chin hanging off his shoulder as you keep whining.

he puts his hands carefully on your ass and pulls you closer to him before wrapping his arms around your tiny waist and hugging you close to him, his face in your hair, smelling the gentle scent of your hair and kissing your head.

"can you stop being here and come back..." you whine lowly, your cheek presses to the side of his neck.

"well, i was supposed to finish what i was doing" he says, his fingers dancing on your spine.

"what are you doing? let me help" you suggest without hesitation. "oh no darling, no need, thank you" he says, smirking, not wanting you to help him choose your ring. its a surprise.

"fine then, lets go do something" you smile, pulling away from his shoulder and raising your hands to his shoulders, your fingers dancing from the back of his neck up to his hair softly.

"what would you like to do?" he asks, smiling as he sees your gentle face, your sweet smile, your rosy cheeks and your {E/C} eyes.

"well... you know..." you smirk, biting your lip and trailing your hand down his shoulder and slowly down his chest, sliding your hand under his coat and rubbing on his crisp white shirt.

just in time, saturo teleports right into the room and stands infront of the table, smiling with a bag in his hand.

"hey!" he calls with a smile, and looks around. immeidatly, you pull away and drop your forehead to kentos shoulder with a groan.

"wow, already getting it on eh?" he chuckles, seeing the mess on the ground. kento rolls his eyes and pats your back.

"well, i brought mochi!" he calld again, lifting up the bag. "thank you saturo" kento says lowly as your older brother puts the bag on the table and plops on the chair on the other side of the desk, and kicks his feet up.

"it must be so hard for you when two people of the same family love you kento" you whisper with a smirk, kissing his cheek.

"so, guys, what are we doing now?" saturo asks with a smirk. he loves coming in time between the two of you. he loves you, and he loves nanami, and he knows hes good to you, but hes still uncomfortable about you two in bed together.

it was too much for him to hear you screaming that night...s.

but he is glad that nanami is going to propose to you. he loves seeing how happy you make each other, and he cant wait to make all the jokes in the world when you get married.

"well, lets go play some videogames!" saturo jumps up with a squeal and over to you, peeling you off of nanami and throwing you over his shoulder, laughing. "try to catch up!" he calla for nanami, grabs the bag of sweets and runs out of the wrecked office, you screaming on his shoulder and hitting his back as he runs away over to your dorm.

nanami laughs as he gets up and looks around the office.

ill clean tomorrow. and ill go buy it tomorrow.

locking the door, he follows after the squealing and yelling sounds until he gets to your dorm, finding you and saturo already fighting on the wooden floors, pulling hair and slapping each other.

gojo {Y/N}, i cant wait to make you mine. make you {Y/N} nanami-gojo.


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yours, the red demon♧

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