35.2.2-father!lucius malfoy x reader [drabble] #2

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"today, in the last day of this year, before everyone is released home, we will announce the students who have been marked to excellency, and are outstanding students who have been recieving perfect marks for years, and after a long desicion between the professors... are marked as honor students" professor mcgongall, the headmistress of hogwarts announces.

its been 6 years since lucius has talked a single word to his daughter, the last words he told her was "im always proud of you".

after a while, draco finally explained to you the reason why your dad didnt talk to you. it took a while until you stopped crying, and even tried being resorted into slytherin because you were always taught that the family is your everything, and lucius was that everything, your best friend.

you passed all years in hogwarts as a ravenclaw student, and a perfect one at that, as you didnt feel like doing anything but study.

every time youd be back home for the holidays, lucius wouldnt dare to talk to you, or even be in the same room as you.

and it didnt matter how much he cared for you and how much he wanted to embrace you, you were sorted into ravenclaw. it means you are different. you are not the same.

you were different, and your blue robes presented it.

lucius refused to do anything with you, and you had draco who took you everywhere, to the train station and back home, to buy books and out to eat dinner for fun.

it didnt matter the fact that it was years since your father practically-figuretivly-disowned you, you didnt change since then.

you were sad, and draco could see how much this rejection effected you. it broke his heart, and every year draco would talk to your father. and hed always say the same thing.

"we are not the same kind"


you found yourself sitting at the ravenclaw table, leaning on your hand as you listened to your headmistress close this year.

this is it, you are graduating, and you wont be back at hogwarts anytime soon, but will go and start to work. you didnt know what youll do with yourself, and the biggest fear you faced was the fact that when you get back to your house, your stuff may be outside and your father finally kicking you out.

draco was there. he promised he'll be there for your graduation. draco was the last thing of family you had.

"this year, the first and only student to be declared an honor student is {Y/N} malfoy, ravenclaw!" the headmistress declares.

the great hall fills up with applause and calls of loud cheering, and it takes your surroundings to wake you up from your day dreaming by slapping your back and holding your shoulders and pushing you forward to get your honor diploma.

you finally get up, recieving even more applause, and you walk up to the podium of the great hall and stand beside the headmistress.

she shakes your hand and congradulates you with a smile, and hands over to you your diploma, signed by yhe minister and herself.

"thank you very much" you smile, bow, and with your diploma, leave the stage. an honor student with depression.

you sat back down with your friends, recieving praise and cheering from the people around you. all you could think of is the fact that you dont have your fathers respect. you only want him to be proud of you.

you sit there staring at your diploma of honor until the ceremony is over, and you take your time to say goodbye to everyone and everything around hogwarts.


"im very proud of you {Y/N}!" draco smiles as he hugs you. you asked him not to call you pumpkin after lucius stopped talking to you. you always thought that this was the name that he called you. sacred.

"thank you draco" you laugh as he finally lets go of you.

"now, we are going out!" he declares as he wraps his arm around your shoulder and pointing forward with a smile, "ny honorery sister deserves a fancy dinner on her graduation night" he says, you laugh at his antics.

"yeah, i could go for dinner" you smile, and like that the both of you started walking between the corridors of hogwarts for the last time, chatting.

but when you get to the tallest tower, getting ready to aparate into london, you both stop when you find at the end of the corridor lucius malfoy.

draco is quick to move while you are more stuck in place. lucius has no business being in hogwarts except for you. was he here for you?

draco is stepping forward and pointing forward at his father with a scowl, "leave" he says in a cold tone.

the older doesnt reply, he starts walking towards you two, his cane clicking on the floor in addition to his small heels, his nose is lifted up high.

draco looks back to you. he knows that no matter how much you dont deserve this, how much he hurt you, you were still daddys girl. with a last glance to his father, he steps back and away.

its you and lucius. hes slowly walking over to you, you are still in your ravenclaw robes and the honor student diploma in your hand, and your knees are shaking.

your father, who hasnt talked to you for years, is finally coming over to you. hes looking right at you, and hes coming right to you. you felt giddy.

finally, the man stops infront of you, his cane hitting the marble floor as he comes to a stand. you lift up your eyes to look up at him, the man you havent seen in a very long time. hes here.

lucius sighs deeply as he looks down at your big innocent eyes, just as they used to be all these years ago, your lushious hair lying on your shoulders and your pouty lips.

he lifts his hand. you watch with anticipation as he slowly moves it towards you, and finally it touchs your cheek, his knuckles brushing down your temple, and to your cheek bone, and down your cheek. you are ready to cry.

his fingers fall down and land on your shoulder, and lucius can see the tears pooling up in your eyes.

he lifts his hand once again and puts it on the back of your head, pressing your soft hair and pulling you closer to him, your hand go on instinct around his waist as you burst out in tears, your face pressed to his chest.

draco watchs in amazment as his fathers cane falls from his hand and clinks on the floor, he raises his other hand and wraps it around your shoulders and holds you close to his body, comferting your cries in his chest.

lucius closes his eyes and kisses the top of your head, then lays his cheek on the top of your head, closing his eyes as he feels them stinging with tears.

"{Y/N}..." he whispers lowly, you sob even harder and grip onto his coat, yourself almost falling down as you hug him for the first time in 6 years.

"im so proud of you" he finishs, his voice breaking with his own tears.

you both cling to each other in tears, for the first time of six years.


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yours, the red demon♧

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