92-remus lupin x reader

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*in which the teachers all take notice of something being... off about you*

drinking, smoking, a bit depression, small injury.


"{Y/N} {L/N}" remus reads from the list. no answer. he raises his head and looks around his classroom.

no {Y/N}.

he sighs and writes down absent by your name, and keeps on reading the names.

you have been missing classes a lot lately.

he teachs his class for a while, and towards the last 20 minutes of class, theres a knock on your door.

he calls a 'yes' without turning to the door, and he hears the door open slowly.

he turns around to find you, the head boy of your house behind you, holding your shoulder.

"oh, look who decided to join us" he smiles gently at you, "is everything alright?" he asks.

"yeah, just roaming around, are you?" the head boy laughs, but his hand is still on your shoulder.

remus ignores the boy and looks at you, and for the tiny second you looked up from the floor, he saw red puffy eyes.

"{Y/N}?" he asks.

"sorry professor. i slept in" you murmur, staring at the floor again.

he nods and clears his throat. "thats alright, come in" he says, motioning into his classroom.

before you enter, you turn to your head boy and he leans down, saying something in your ear.

while noone could hear what he whispers, the werewolf heard what he said.

"next time i find you hungover, ill tell professor {head of house}. im not covering for you again"

you nod, thank him, and he leaves. you sit down in your seat in the back of the classroom.

remus notes a lot of interesting things about you. interesting. concerning.

first of all, hes not stupid, he can tell that you walk around hungover a lot, and you smell like alcohol sometimes, but rarely. you smell like something sweet and flowery most of the time, sometimes with cigarettes, and sometimes vodka induced.

he was also a student, he knows what a hungover student looks like, walking around like a ghost, eyes barely open, moving so slowly and barely able to apply pressure.

he doesnt say anything. he doesnt really care, and he was also a student, he undeestands teenagers drink and smoke sometimes.

he just feels bad when he realises that you dont do it socially, but more for... yourself. and this is distructive.

he can tell when you are the only one hungover, and when your classmates ask you whats wrong with you, and all you can do is reply sarcastically.

and also, he notes that they are only classmates. you dont seem to have... friends.

you are always alone. you walk alone, sit alone, dont talk to anyone.

he understands you. not everyone likes to be with too many people, but it still concerns him when he sees you alone, all the time.

its rare to see you with anyone else, and if someone is beside your desk in class, they probably need help or a quill.

but with that, you were also very smart. you had a special kind of smart, the kind that doesnt need to flaunt it, but the kind that knows how to speak carefully and answer questions in the best way possible, and not rammble endlessly about useless points.

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