35-father!lucius malfoy x daughter!reader [drabble]

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*err, well, im making {Y/N} be kinda skinny, pale and fregile and this shiit to show how run down she is. ive posted this chapter long ago and someone said i was descriminating plus sized people which is not true so im just... making that clear... enjoy :)*


"daddy?" lucius looks up from his desk and forward at the door where he finds his daughter looming, leaning on the doorframe, clad in a nightgown and her hands pressing to the doorframe.

his office is dark and reletively cold, the only light is comes from the small desk light he has infront of him, and the moom iluminating through the window.

he looks at the clock on the table, squinting his eyes to reas the time. its almost 10 PM, and hes been in his office doing overtime since he came home from the office at 5.

"why arent you asleep sweetheart?" he asks, looking at you at the door again, dropping his pen and rubbing his eyes before leaning on the desk again.

you fummble your hands infront of you and look up at him again, not daring to step into his office without his permission.

"well, its 10 and you still didnt have dinner..." you whisper, looking at the floor and then back up at him, he can see your fingers fummbling with each other.

"i reheated it..." you whisper again in a small voice. he looks over your, the nightgown hanging around your body and your clear skin, your bones poked at your shoulders and your wrists a little. your hair was lying behind your shoulders so carefully and your cheeks seemed a little sunken in than he remembered them to be.

since the war finished and draco moved out and narcissia dying, it was just you, and him. he loved you dearly and you meant so much to him, but he still was working all the damn time.

theres silence between the two of you gets longer and longer as he studies you, and you stare at the ground, waiting for a respond.

he sighs and gestures with his fingers for you to come in, and you do so, bare feet walking on the cold floors of his office, wide eyes staring at your father.

he moves back his chair and jerks his head towards himself. hesitating, you still walk over and sit down on his lap and wrap your hands around his middle, pressing your ear to his chest as you sigh.

he wraps his hands around you and kisses the top of your head, rubbing your back gently with his big overworked hands.

in your eyes, your father wasnt a criminal, ever. he was your father who loved you and always did everything he could to keep you and the family safe and comfortable.

"did you eat?" he asks, his hands on your ribs that he can feel through your skin. "three hours ago" you answer, feeling him chuckle.

"i guess i should eat as well" he says. you get up and watch as he gets up as well, his back cracking as he stands up and straightens up.

you both walk out of his office and towards the kitchen, and he sees how clear the floors are, and when he enters the dining room he can hear the dishs are washing themselves in the kitchen.

it took you a while, but you finally made him get rid of the house elves and set them free. it was only the two of you, and you could get just fine without all the house elves in the house.

he sits down infront of a plate full of food at the head of the table, and you sit down beside him, laying your head on your hands, on the table, looking up at him.

you had a lot of free time, and you started cooking as well, and even if lucius didnt know it, all the food he eats is food you make.

but he did know it. you think he doesnt, you often tell him you use spells or buy food, but he often sees you in the kitchen when he returns home, and sometimes he hears as you yell or something falls, and he always sees when you cut your fingers.

"its good" he says, chewing the chicken on his plate, giving you a small side look, "wheres it from?" he asks.

or maybe, the both of you knew the other knows as well, but you never actually come down to talk about it. maybe this time youll tell him you made it.

you simply smile up at him and close your eyes gently, "leaky cauldron" you answer sleepily. he smiles gently and keeps eating, not exchaning any more words, looking at you every once in a while, how tired and skinny you looked, but still had a lovely smile.

every morning when he was about to leave for work, he had a cup of hot coffee waiting for him, but you were asleep in the mornings, so he guessed youd wake up just to make that coffee and then go back to sleep.

you didnt have much time to talk or spend together actually. he was working most of the time, coming home late and leaving early in the mornings.

last time you spent time together was a dinner you had with draco and his wife, just to catch up with them, and you could say that hands down you enjoyed it so so much.

he was a busy man, and you understood it perfectly.

"you can go to bed {Y/N}, you dont need to stay here" he says, drinking from his glass of red wine.

"i want to make sure you wont go to your office again" you whisper, he chuckles and shakes his head.

after a few more minutes, he finishs his dinner. you get up and take his plate, smiling at him before you put it in the sink and enchant it to wash itself.

"and now we can both go to sleep" you smiled proudly. he stood up and the both of you walked upstairs to the bedrooms.

as you get to your door, you turn around and smile up at you dad. "good night dad" you smile up at him sweetly, heavy bags under your eyes.

he caresses your cheek and leans down to kiss your forehead. "good night bunny" he murmurs, pats your hair a little and watchs as you open the door to your room and dissapear behind it as you close it again.


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yours, the red demon♧

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