28-*kiyoshi teppei x reader*

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kiyoshi is love, hes too good. TW-kind of nsfw? i dont know, theres not real explicit content, but theres kink talk, and talking about... le sex.
hand kink girls, i got you. and also, everyone should love kiyoshi-


kiyoshi teppei, your boyfriend, was special. he really was special, ever the optimist, the soft and loving man. he could make you laugh easily, and he always makes you feel loved and welcomed.

one of the physical things you liked about kiyoshi, besides him being huge and tall, are his hands. youd never admit to it, but you had a thing for his hands.

you didnt know why, or where it came from, but everytime hed take your hand, it makes your day.

its just the way his long fingers wrapped around your much smaller hand that made your heart tick. his hands were warm, always, while yours were cold. always. (can someone explain to me why my hands are cold all the time?! why are you like this hands?!)

his big palms and long fingers were such an advantage for him while he played basketball, and watching him play basketball was amazing.

when he puts his hand on the back of your head and kisses you, when he rubs his thumb on your knuckles, or when he rubs his fingers up yours when you lace them togethet.

he was simply, truly, hands down, such a good man that accepted everyone and everything, but you never came around to admitting your awkward and embarressing hand kink.

there was one day when you almost admitted it. you were sitting beside him while you were both doing homework at your desk in your room. well, he was doing his work, but you abandoned yours when your eyes found his hands.

his right hand holding a black pen, fingers pressing to the neck of the pen and the small muscles on his hand strained as he wrote down on his notebook.

you stopped writing your own answerd and stared at his hand quickly writting on the paper, the way his knuckles and fingerd bent and strained as he drew the letters on the paper.

your mind got lost as you watched his hand, eyes slowly lidding down softly as you caught his other hand pressed to the paper, long fingers sprawled across. damn he looks so good.

"{Y/N}? is everything alright?" you snap your eyes up from his hands and straightened your back quickly, almost falling from your chair as your face grew red.

"i-i was... its just-tha-" you started rammbling and mummbling, eyes looking around quickly, looking for a magical excuse to appear on the walls. but it didnt.

"are you feeling ok love?" he asks, raising his hand from the paper and pressing the back of his fingers to your cheek, "youre a bit hot" he mummbles, furrowing his brows.

you, still unable to let words out of your mouth, start to debate about just telling him the truth and drag your feet out of there with shame. then, you also remember that this is your room, and if you go through with it and tell him, youd be trapped in this room with him, your awkward confession and his uncomfortable reaction.

you force your eyes up back to his gentle face, all up tight and stiff as you pulled every part of courage from the tips of your limbs. you lick your lips and stare at him bravely, breathing deeply.

there it is, i can feel it, im going to take this off my chest-"i-i just... i was coping!" or maybe not. you sigh and drop your head, "i was coping... youre homework" you sigh in defeat, shaking your head.

"wow" he laughs boomingly, "i think your moral compass is very strong if you got so frustrated and flustered over coping" he laughs and trails his fingers from your cheek and to your chin, tilting your head and pressing a kiss to your temple.

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