*72-lucius x reader*

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*in which lucius overhears a conversation you have about your relationship*
*smut, worshipping, hurt/comfort (kinda), super soft, submissive reader, insecurities, body dismorphya.
A/N-its easier for me to write for a skinny body type because thats what i am, and thats what im using in this story so... yeah*


Monika was a good friend of yours for a very long time. she was in the same house as you in hogwarts, same year, and has always been much more outgoing then you are.

shes loud, shes present, shes strong, but in all honesty, she can be a bit of a... how to say it softly... tart.

ever since your school days, shes going out with boys every other day. different ones. not once have you walked somewhere and saw her snogging with someone.

she prefered dressing in a way that was more provocative, and it definatly earned her a lot of stares and a lot of attention.

to say it plainly, she was easy. she would open her legs left and right, anywhere, and wouldnt mind being open and have everyone talk about her.

you really did love her dearly, because for you she wasnt just a tart, she was a good friend, supportive, and so encouraging.

while she had about 300 boyfriends, you had 1, and he too wasnt serious. she hooked you up with someone one party, and you were 'together' for maybe one month.

you just werent the type of person to be with anyone who comes through the door.

monika was a little surprised that you liked lucius malfoy, the 7th year, while you were 5th years.

monika was halfway to the slytherin common-room to find him and rat you out, but after literal begging, she let it go and let you have your time.

it worked, because at the end of the year you started dating, no matter he was leaving hogwarts and you were in your 6th year.

when you graduated you moved in with him. 5 years later you got married, and after another two years, lucius became a tycoon and bought a mannor for you, and him.

monika forever stayed the way she was, and your best friend. besides lucius of course.

everything about your relationship with lucius was perfect, really. he was strong, he was smart, he was attentive, and he had a soft spot for you. the fact that he had money was just a fun bonus, because you loved him even before he became so rich. even though he always was rich...

monika forever will remain loud and confident, and forever your friend, even if she lived in london, and you, in wiltshire.

she came round the mannor every other week to be with you, have wine, and chat about life.

lucius had his thoughts about her, and no matter what he told you about her corrupting you, she never did. and no matter what he said, she will forever be coming over. and be will take it, because he loved you.


recently, monika got a boyfriend. an actual, long term, serious relationship boyfriend.

obviously she came over to vent.

she bursted into your house loudly, scaring away a cleaning elf and immediatly dashed to your kitchen, already rammbling about rob, opening the wine fridge and popping off the cap, grabbing two glasses and plopping onto the sofa beside you.

she was an expert on pouring wine into glasses while moving without spilling anything.

"you wont ever believe what rob did!" she calls, handing over the glass.

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