46-sir nighteye x daughter!reader

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"when you loose something importent in your life, you get kind of lost"

a lot of people were in mirai sasakis, sir nighteyes, funeral. he was a respected man who did a lot for a lot of people, a very good hero.

his death was sudden, and unpredictable. you werent excepting it at all, no one expected it.

aizawa was in the funeral, with some of his students, as well as you, {Y/N} sasaki. you obviously came earlier then him, and everyone else, except for bubble girl and centipeder, who helped you arrange this thing.

since the very death of your father, you didnt come to school, didnt even stay in the dorms. you didnt answer a single phone call, and didnt answer a single text.

he could understand it of course, you just lost the single thing of family you ever had. you were so young, and already left alone, orphaned.

the horrored cries that came from you were the last things he saw of you. how you cried and lost conciousness in the battle field, (which you were forbidden from coming, but came any way), and the horrored cries of agony and pure pain when he died in the hospital bed.

it hurt him, your cries, more than anything hes ever been through. just crying as hard as a girl who just lost her father can cry.

the air was heavy. you werent even in school, but even without you everything was hard. the lack of you in class was very notable.

aizawa tried to get to you in the week before the funeral. he called, texted, tried looking for you, and when you werent found in the dorms, he involved present mic and nezu, but still couldnt get to you. to his understanding, you stayed at your fathers house.

he came to the house, but the door didnt open. he knocked and stood there for a while, and only after 15 minutes the door was opened by bubble girl who sent him away.

when he begged her to tell him whats with his student, the one he cared for and loved and was scared for, she reassured him that youll be ok. thats all he got.

he was going out of his mind. he cared for you a lot, and loved practicing and teaching you. you were smart and interesting, strong and beautiful, and he loved having you in his presence.

only now that he didnt see you for a week he understood how much he really cared for you, and the thought that you are hurt and unwell was killing him. he felt useless.

on the third day, he heard you met up with togata. you invited him over to the house, and talked to him for a bit, only to let him know what will happen with the company, and then sent him away.

when he heard that, he ran to find the boy and questioned him on you. how you looked, how you felt. togata said you looked sick and sad, almost lifeless.

after that he tried seeing you again, but he didnt get to. he was kicked out of there just as he did last time.

finally, after a long week, he was there for the funeral, and right as he entered the funeral home he saw you standing at the end of the room, talking to a few people, clad in a black dress with black gloves, standing on black boots.

your face was pale, and it seemed... lifeless. your cheeks were sunken in and your eyes were red, lashes clamp together as you talked to people. it looked like you cried for the whole week straight.

"{Y/N}" he says, and paces over to you. turning around, you look up at him and immediatly he sees your face lift, and you walk back to him. he reachs you and immediatly wraps both his arms around you, pressing you to his chest.

your small arms wrap back against him, and he sways gently, patting down your hair, his cheek pressed to the top of your head. "im so sorry" he whispers.

"thank you for coming" you whisper. your voice is broken and hoarse, you did cry for the whole week. you were so small and shaking, he just wanted to keep you safe, shield you carefully.

he couldnt find his words, and longer he held you he felt like crying himself, so he didnt say anything, scared to make you cry to.

he held you like this for a while, comferting you, he felt like he was put back together, his heart was silent and comfortable. he could feel your pain in your hands that gripped his jacket.

finally, you broke away when bubble girl askes you to come, since in a few minutes you were supposed to come up on stage to give your eulogy.

people sat down, aizawa sat beside his students, and they listened to everyone carefully, until finally you got up on stage.

you took a stand beside the casket and coughed a little before you clasped both your hands before you, and finally lifted your red eyes to the crowd.

"hello. for those of you who dont know, my name is {Y/N} sasaki, the only daughter of mirai sasaki" you started.

"my father was the only person i liked" you were blunt and tired, you just talked, didnt seem prepered at all. "he did everything for me. he raised me by himself, because he didnt trust anyone with me" you licked your lips and took a deep breath before you continued.

"he never allowed me to ride public transport, and insisted on having dinner together at least 3 times a week" aizawa thinks back to the time sir nighteye came to campus and literally pulled you out of your dorm for dinner, not minding how tired you were.

"before he died, he asked me to lie with him" you say. aizawa remember that too, how you climbed into the bed with your father and laid facing him, ignoring all the tubes and machines in the way.

"he took my hand" sir nighteye took your hand and lifted his other to your cheek, smiling gently at you.

"and he looked in my eyes" you take a deep breath now. aizawa remembers how trembling you were, lying there with him.

"and he told me... '{Y/N}, its my turn'" you didnt tell in your story how you begged and cried. "'you are a good girl'" aizawa sees the swelling tears in your eyes again.

"'you are the only one i love', he told me" you take a deep breath and blink your tears away, down your cheeks.

aizawa remembers as sir nighteye held your cheek and smiled at you, brushing your tears away with what power he had left. you were crying and begging, shaking on the bed with your dying father.

you didnt tell them your whole conversation, because he saw more them what you just told. he saw mirai talk more, and use his quirk on you. it was probably too personal.

"my father asked me to keep smiling, eitherwise ill live in vain. i hope ill be able to smile again soon" you say lowly, turning around to your fathers casket and saying your last words to him.


aizawa sat outside the funeral home for a long hour and a half after everyone left, until you finally left.

he stood up and ran over to you, immediatly hugging you. you broke down in tears again.

"where are you going now?" he asks. "home" you cry into his jacket. "how?" he asks. "ill walk" you answer. aizawa heart clenched from the thought of you walking alone, thinking of your father and how he didnt let you ride trains ans buses.

"ill drive you" he says, and he doesnt even let you say anything before he takes your hand and guides you to his car.

"ill take care of you {Y/N}, i promise" he says, turning back to you and smiling gently down at you.

"thank you" you whisper through your tears.

he leans down and kisses your forehead gently.


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yours, the red demon♧

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