74-voldemort x evil!reader [drabble]

446 15 3

*foul language, murder, sexual themes, fighting and violence, seduction (almost fucking lucius), smoking and burning, gore, over all very sensitive content, continue with caution*

*in which you agree to go out with draco if his dad is there, and after some talking and working, you find yourself at the dark lords hands*


"she scared the living hell out of me" "sure she does, but she has the body of a pornstar!" "yeah, and the eyes of a murderer!"

she could hear everything that was said about her around the castle, but never addressed any.

she would be looked at, whispered about, and some brave souls would even come up to talk to her, but it never brought any good out of it.

"hello" some ravenclaw boy said, looking down at you while you read under a tree.

you look up suspiciously through your eye brows, give a smirk, and finally lift your head to the boy.

"hey" you reply coldly, and almost see the boy flinch.

"my name is ryan. i just saw you over here alone and i thought you wanted some company" he smiles down at you.

"what made you think that?" you immediatly ask, voice cold and a smirk on your red painted lips.

"well you are just sitting here all alone, who would leave a lady alone?" he asks, still smiling, leaning on one leg as he crosses his arms and looks down at you.

"maybe the lady sat down here to avoid anyone" you reply back to him, flickering your tongue out of your lips.

"avoid who?" he asks, amused.

"annoying little ravenclaws who think they can walk up and disturb my peace without an invitation" your words are cold and harsh now, no more playful smirk on your lips. you sound possesed and mean, and not trying to save yourself from bad reputation.

the smile falls from the boys face, and before he can do anything, you pull out your wand and cast a quick spell, banishing him away from you, and kicking your legs over each other and go back to your book.

and so, usualy you wouldnt be approached much, only by very brave people or very stupid people.

and you were not interested.

born competitive and strong, you were always chasing singular power, and always did everything you could yourself, to gain everything yourself and own everything yourself.

you never held back from letting everyone know what you were after, and what you needed to have to get it. and if that meant that you needed to kill something to gain your power, youd do it.

being a slytherin didnt make it any easier to approach you, the green robes flashed everyone with fear. it definatly worked for you.

your downsize was that the other slytherins were finding it easier to approach you. specifically one draco malfoy.

more then ones, draco finds his way to talking to you, trying to get you to like him, but it usualy ended with hitting or yelling, and worst case scenario, sitting in snapes office after a duel.

hed come over to where youre sitting and sit infront of you, and start talking to you, demanding you go with him to a bar, or go prank out potter and the other gryffindors.

usualy, the reply he got was "will your dad be there too?" or "go fuck yourself, you bleached your brain as well as your hair"

other times, a kick to the leg or a slap to his face.

Random oneshots :)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin