33-*nanami kento x reader* #2

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"what are you doing out here so late?" nanami asks when he realises that hes just staring uncomfortably, and he has to keep his composure infront of you, even if he just slept with an exotix dancer and finished while thinking of you.

"i ordered something online a few days ago and it came to my grandmas house so i went to take it earlier... but its my grandma, so I stayed, but i have to get back to the dorms..." you whisper with a smile, nanami feels his lips tug into a smile just the same way as yours, your smile was intoxicating.

"and you...?" you whisper, looking up at nanami. his breath catchs in his throat and a small sound leaves his throat when he understands hes standing just under a "pussy cat" sign, and all the smell inside there must be sticking to him.

nanami watchs with pure fear as your little face gets illuminated red as you look up at the sign, and hes considering running away right now as he sees your cute face look at the sinful place he just left.

he doesnt know what he expects you to do, but surly not what you actually do. you move your face back to his, and smile up at him sweetly, your eyes closing as you give him the smile, and he can see your reddened cheeks-not from the sign.

"are you going back to the dorms as well nanami sensei?" she asks. what an angel, letting this slide and ignoring it. theres not a purest person than you on gods green earth.  

he clears his throat and nods firmly, "yes, i am" he says, looking down at you and even giving you a gentle smile.

"guess we can carpool then!" you smile widely. "oh, im not by car. its a 20 minute walk... thought id take a strol..." he says as he looks around, regretting not taking a car.

"well, would you mind if i acomapny you on your stroll?" you ask gently, and nanami smiles again. "please" he says, turning to the right, you quickly getting to his side, and you start walking.

even though nanami loves your company, he hates that it happens now, after he slept with an exotic dancer, smelling of sweat, sex and alcohol.

he fumbles into the pocket of his jacket and pulls out a cigarrette and a lighter. "would you mind if i-" "not at all" you reply, not even letting him finish his question.

in thanks, he light up his cigarrette and sticks it in between his lips, inhaling it deeply before he exhales the smoke from his lungs, holding it between his fingers.

out of boredom, and to kill the uncomfortable silence, you decide to talk. "my father used to smoke too. the smell reminds me of when i was a little girl... but now that i think about it, its probably not so good" you laugh when you finish, and nanami gives a small chuckle.

"did you have a good night, nanami sensei?" you must be teasing him, right? thats what you are doing. you are toying with him so innocently, like when you chew your pen in class.

"i... did. i had a good night" he says, but he wishs he could have you, and erase his time with trish. he wants you. he feels bad for sleeping with her, as if he cheated on you, which he didnt.

"im glad" you whisper smiling. it sounds like you are dissapointed, are you?

but even with your attampt of making it less quiet, it goes back to silence, nanami is smoking silently and the only thing you can hear is your footsteps and the cool wind blowing, making your hair fly back a little and your nose a tad red, and nanami curses himself that he cant look at your face as you walk side by side.

"are you cold {Y/N}?" he asks, giving himself an opening to look down at you, the paper bag in your hands infront of you, youe little skirt swaying with your steps.

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