68-{Y/N} traveling back in time in hogwarts.

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*{Y/N} falling into a weird coma, while her spirit travels to the past and finds out abouy harrys parents, snape and the whole truth*
im really proud of it, hope you enjoy :) (lowkey feels like a snale x reader but not really. also sad)

A/N-im getting closer to my 69 chapter, and im not above making it a smut, obv, so suggest characters or kinks youd like to see :) all comments appreciated.


"i dont know what happened!" "how did you find her?!" "i-i told you! she fell unconciouss while brushing her teeth!" hermione yells in fear back at harry while the weasley twins carried you to the hospital wing.

"b-but what happened?!" harry calls. "i told you already!" hermione shoves him, "we were brushing our teeth, and sudennly she fell!" she calls.

harry looks up at your face on freds shoulder, you still had some toothpaste in your mouth.

fred and george were half running through the halls by this point, trying to get you to the hospital wing as quick as they could.

"w-was she sick?" ron asks, rubbing his eyes while he walked in the front, using his wand to light up the way. "not that i know anything like that" hermione sighs, rubbing her forehead and sending you a quick look.

fred holding you by the arms and george by the legs, your head over his shoulder and mouth hanging open, your head lolling down, looking like a rag doll.

"oh merlin..." she sighs, rubbing her forehead, and quickly enough, you get to the hospital wing, ron swinging the doors open and fred and george running ahead to put you down on a bed.

"what is this? why are you out of be-" "madam pomfrey, she passed out!" hermione calls, yelling at the nurse before she can even see everyone around.

"what?!" she yells, pushs everyone aside, and takes a look at you. "what happened?" she asks, looking over you for any injuries and sending an elf to get dumbledore, snape, mcgongall and flitwich.

"we-we were brushing out teeth and she sudennly fell unconciouss!" hermione explains, looking over her shoulder while she tried getting your pulse.

"did she eat anything out of the ordinary? drink anything? did anything?" madam pomfrey asks, checking your temprature.

"n-no, not that i know of!" hermione replies, biting her nails. "did anything happen? between her friends?" hermuone turns around with a new scowl on her face, as if she didnt think about it happening because one of them.

she looks them one by one, watching them shake their heads quickly.

and fast enough, into the room all the professors rush, pushing away the students and getting to your bedside while madam pomfrey ran her wand over your body, looking for the problem.

hermione explained, again, to the professors what happened, very tired but at the same tired very, very concerned.

the whole group was tired, but they were so concerened they didnt even feel the sleepiness anymore.

"oh my lord..." madam pomfrey sighs after a few minutes. "her body is... fine but... her brain isnt responding well. its seems that {Y/N} has... fallen into a coma"


it all seemed... almost the same. it was as if you were kidnapped and then put back in hogwarts, and it seemed like home, but something was off.

the air was a little colder and the people around seemed... different. the uniforms were almost the same, but still a little different.

whats happening?

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