18-aizawa x orphan!reader x all might

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just a little heartfelt fluff for you... a little sad, not really a relationship


{Y/N} {L/N} was, no doubt, the most mysterious girl in UA high. she was quiet and collected, and noone would ever see any kind of emotion on her face. just serious. she wouldnt get close to anyone, eat alone, and always seemed like she was completely ok with it.

when training, she was always at the top. she ran fast, attacked and protected fast, and was stealthy. she didnt need any help training, and was always doing her best, which was one of the best in the class. she wouldnt need any instructions, and if she got any instructions, she would simply change what she was told to change quickly, and went back to being that perfect student.

in class she probably wouldnt raise her hand, but if she was asked to answer, her answer would always be precise and perfect, and after recieving her praise, she would look down, and go back to her life.

she wouldnt mind helping anyone who needed her help, but never seemed to go out of her way to ask for help, maybe, she just truly didnt need any. just an introverted student.

at the camp incident, she kept collected and calm, and was working stratigically, not going into panic, and helped multiple students back to camp, even after she got hurt.

didnt matter what, she was calm... collected... and very secretive.

today, aizawa and all might went out to do rounds in the houses to get everyones parents to sign and let their children live in the dorms.

"next house... {Y/N} {L/N}... ive actually never met her parents..." aizawa says as they get in the cab, "what about meetings?" all might asks the dark haired man. "one time she came with her uncle, said her parents couldnt come. the other time she came alone" aizawa shrugs.

"names?" all might asks, and aizawa opens his notebook and goes down to your name. "{M/N} and {F/N}.." aizawa reads them, confused that its the first time he ever heard your parents name.

"think itll be hard?" all might asks, "i dont know... she got hurt pretty badly at camp, but now that im thinking about it... we didnt recieve any phone calls from her parents... and she left the hospital alone" aizawa starts to guess something is wrong, and starts pondering on whats going on.

the cab stops after some time, and the two heros leave the cab. the street they were in was really far from the school, and it seemed pretty secluded, a suburb outside of the city that seemed pretty calm.

they walk to the building and go upstairs to the last floor, to a stand infront of a wooden door. "thats it" aizawa says and all might raises his hand to the door and knocks. on the wooden door, theres a paper clip with your name on it, and there were different bents and holes in the door.

you moved your head over your shoulder when you heard the knock on your door. "whos there?" you call from the sofa, running in your head possabilities for any visitors. there werent much.

"its.. mr aizawa and all might!" aizawa calls at the sound of your voice, and your eyes grow wide as you scramble to your feet from the sofa, confused.

you put down your cup of tea and stalk cautiously to the door, before opening up the locks and opening the door, now, standing face to face, or more like... two chests to face.

"hello" you say carefully, looking at the teachers. "hello {Y/N}" aizawa says, all might offering you a smile. you stood there, staring at each other silently. "would you mind if we... came in?" all might finally asks, raising his eyebrow.

"oh" you jump and shake your head, "yes, of course" you smiled, opening the door wider and stepping aside, motioning for them to come into your humble apartment.

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