62-sir nighteye x reader

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{Y/N} was definatly one of sir nighteyes favourite people, if not the most favourite one.

she is so kind, so lovely. a little shy, but at times she will let out a little joke or a little sarcastic comment about something that would even make sir nighteye quirk a smirk.

you were in the same class as mirio, and you were such a good pair together. he was more outgoing then you, but you seemed to be fitting together so well, sir didnt restrain himself from telling you that your kids would be amazing.

that comment made both you and mirio to burst out into laughter, explaining carefully that you are not interested in each other in such a way.

you were so good to the agency, you loved working there, helping out, and your hero name was definatly a big plus to the agency, since you were so good.

you were so kind, youd stay 3 hours later to help bubblegirl, engage in conversation with anyone who seemed a little down, but didnt talk much. youd just take your coffee and sit down with them, smile, and ask about their day.

sir noticed that you werent a very big talker, but not because you didnt have what to say, you were just a little introverted, or shy, but you always smiled at everyone.

your smile was so reassuring and so comforting, so gentle and soft, it was contagious.

slowly, sir nighteye found out that he liked having you around, but not just in the office. he liked seeing you come in in the morning and greet him with a blushy smile, but after the one time you got to sit down at a cafe with him when you came really early one day, he was over the moon.

it was a cozy little cafe in the city, and you sat across from sir nighteye with your cup of coffee. he ordered espresso and was just looking at the street, his foot bouncing.

it was a very nice morning, still a little cold morning air and the sun wasnt so hard still, and the silence was nice and comfortable.

he gave you a little glance to make sure you are all right, since you were so silent. you had such a cute smile on your face and your cheeks were flushed red gently, your eyes looking at your cup.

he rolls his eyes playfully and sighs before adjusting himself in the chair, looking at you. "you have something to say {Y/N}?" he asks, lifting up his small cup and sipping.

he watchs as your eyes come up and roam a little before they settle down on your cup again. "no, nothing sir" she mummbles, biting her lip and restraining her smile.

he clears his throat to conceal his own smirk, and shifts. then, he starts to tell you about what you have to do today and the remaining things that are still waiting to be attended to.

you look at him and nod, agreeing and affirming. when you finish your coffee, you are quick to pull out some coins for the tip, insisting, since he paid for them.

you were so kind, so gentle, so cute.

the same day you got so much work done, and that cute little smile was on your face from the early hours of the morning till you left in the evening with mirio.

as time went on, sir nighteye realises just how much he likes having you around, and how careful he is with you, even to an extant to use his quirk on you and check if something bad will happen to you today during patrol.

you never once failed him, always have an answer, always have a solution, always have another way to deal with whatever came up.

one day, after a flimzy chase after a villain, sir nighteye broke his glasses. he said it was alright, and held onto your shoulder on the way back to the agency. he had them for a reason, he didnt see well.

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