66-mycroft holmes x reader

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reader, mycrofts partner, wants to have more of his attention. reader is crazy like... clinically. gore and violence. terrorism. hurt.


he always returns home late and tired, and still it takes him about half an hour of phone calls and paper work before he starts to calm down, changes and eats dinner, after you force him to, at least.

because of that, most of your together time was at home. mornings, nights, sometimes very late. breakfast was a good start to the day if it was together, and the evenings were pleasent.

youd always save your dinner to eat it with him when he returns, and never compained. youd sit and eat dinner and chat about how the day went and what not.

after that, hed take a shower, change into whatever hes comfortable in which is a rather expensive robe.

a glass of whiskey for him, and a glass of wine for you, and youd sit together in your patio together and talk, or maybe sit silently and just enjoy being in each others presence.

hes very gentle with you, and so soft. his voice is calmer and his hands are always careful when they come around you and over your skin anywhere.

lately, hes been coming even later though, and he was even more tired. something was happening, and he told you how the secret, but you really didnt understand it.

he was a little stressed, and even more then once, he passed on the regular patio hour, and in all honesty, when you waited for him outside, already finishing your glass and he still wasnt there, you were rather concerned. when you found him falling asleep at his desk, your heart broke.

you tried being a good partner, washing his clothes and making his food, and not bothering him too much, but the lack of attention was breaking your heart.

"what do i need to do to get more of your attention My?" you ask when the both of you got situated in bed comfortably.

"well" mycroft sighs, and lets out a little chuckle, "you could kill this man" the korean one, the one that was causing him so much truble.

"you could get a high ranking job in the government love, and we could work together" he suggests, brushing his fingers on the curve if your waist and hip. "and he a birocrat?" you ask, twisting your face. mycroft chuckles and kisses your nose.

"or maybe you could become a terrorist" he jokes, putting his arm on your waist and leaning over to press a gentle kiss to your forehead.

"ill be the most dangerous woman in the world" you giggled. "you already are" he says in a matter of fact tone, raising his eyebrows playfully.

"you know i love being with you... honestly darling, you know how much i hate... everyone. except for you" he says lowly. it was all truth.

it was true, you were one of the only people that mycroft enjoyed being around. you were smart, to smart for your own good, and everyone elses too. mycroft would spend hours trying to get inside your head, but to no avail. your body language would say this, and that, and the third, all at the same time, and your choice of words always was so presice, careful.

"i do love you darling" he whispers to you before you both pass out, "but time is hectic right now"


fine. ill do it myself.

the luck of being his partner is that noone had anything on you. you could do whatever you wanted, and get away with it. who would know? mycroft wouldnt really follow after you a lot, he had other things to do, and if you did, somehow, get in trouble, mycroft would say two words and everything will go back to being as if it wasnt.

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