65-shoto todoroki x reader

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*reader is insecure about being from a low class family, her boyfriend tries to understand why shes tired all the time. dead mom. inspired by the basement apartment from parasite*


UA is such an expensive school, your only luck is that you got a recommandation to get in.

ever since your mother got sick, your father had to work 7 times harder. when she died, the financual situation didnt get any better with the payment of her funeral and the rest of the expenses.

but what can you do? your father works hard hours and still doesnt make enough money, so in all honesty, if you didnt get that recommandation, you might as well havent gone to school at all.

you did your best to be a good student, so you didnt have to worry your father with anything. you were working hard, studying hard and practicing hard on your quirk.

luckily, it was no problem. working hard was in your genes, and getting everything done was easy for you. so determined and so hardworking, who wouldnt want a student like that?

and with you not worrying your father, you spent lots of time at school and got rather close to your classmates, specifically to todoroki.

he first talked to you to ask about your workout routine and your studying routine, since you were such a good student. you shared with him how you study and work out, and he asked if you could show him and work with him.

from there, it only got better. you spent more and more time with him, working out and studying, and soon you started hanging out together in school and in breaks.

he found it rather easy to open up to you. he told you about his father and his life situation, and how he got his scar. he felt so open with you, like there was nothing he would tell you that would scare you away. you were so understanding and so careful, and always listened and helped him. you were his secret keeper, and he liked having one. he liked having a friend this close.

he found himself texting you and coming to sit beside you in class, and always paring up with you if there was anything that was needed to be done in pairs.

he didnt hold himself back a second before asking you out on a date, when he first realised he liked having you around a little more then his friend.

he was rather straight forward and told you that he would like to take you out to a movie or dinner if you liked, because he liked you a lot.

after a lot of blushing and stuttering, you agreed, even though you were sure he wasnt interested anymore. he was though.

it went so good. he took you to a movie, and paid for everything before you could even think about offering to help. after the movie, late at night already, he walked you to the train station through the park, and just before you got on the train he kissed you and asked, "do you think we could do it more?"

from there you started dating. it was rather laid back and not stressed, which worked for the both of you very well. you hung out a lot and loved just being in each others precense and not having to spend huge amount of money on expensive dates.

it was about a month after you started dating that you were moved into the dorms, and new panic grew in your fanily. where does that money come from?

a small deposit to the school is a start, after they understood your situation. the next step was getting you a job. job/s.

your father found you an easy job as a waitress in a small cat cafe, but since it was rather low pay, you got another job as a kennel assistant in a shelter for abused animals.

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