7-prank war-fred weasley x reader #3

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next morning, fred wakes up from his slumber naturally, without his alarm blaring, guessing he woke up earlier. he strechs and rolls over to his side to look at his clock, only to find it at 8:32! why didnt it ring? he jumps up in his bed and looks around the dorm, george and lee werent there.

is this her prank? turning off my alarm? he gets up from his bed to quickly brush his teeth and wash his face, and jumps back into the room and opens up his closet.

infront of him, he sees a closet that looks like was vomited out by a glitter monster. his mouth slacks open as he starts fummbling through his closet. all of his white shirts were now pink and glittery, sweaters glittery with heart and messeges drawen on them and kisses. on the back of each sweater were written with big pink letters "{Y/N} is the queen"

he grumbles and starts fumbling in the closet in hopes of finding something that hasnt been contaminated, but to no avail. sighing, he decided he doesnt have time, so he pulls out a pink button up littered with glitter and kisses, a sweater with hearts and messeges. he pulls on himself a pair of pants, that now strangly didnt fit him well, but he couldnt find any of his belts.

gritting his teeth, he pulls a pair of socks filled with holes on his feet. he already understood whats happening, he didnt bother to look for a different pair, he was already so late.

he slipped into his shoes, grabbed his bag, and ran out of his dorm to the corridors of hogwarts to DADA class, looking like a birthday cake for a 5 year old girl.

he gets to class and runs in, kicking the door open and slamming in close behind him, panting, holding his pants up.

"s...sorry for... being late" he pants out at the class, and lifts his eyes to the class thats staring at him, snickering. "what... happened to you?" professor lupin asks him, a huge grin on his face. "{Y/N}" he simply huffs out as he sits down beside his brother, the whole class started laughing wildly.

so loudly, you could hear it all the way to your charms class, hearing faint laughter from down the corridor. "i think he got to class..." you whisper to hermione, slapping your hand over your mouth to stifll your giggles, harry and ron doing the same, understanding whats happening.

"we are in a prank war" fred tries defending himself as the class laughs, glaring at his brother. "you said anyone could help" george shrugs, smirking, as the laughter of the class dies down.

"weasley..." lupin says, going behind his desk, "she did leave something for you this morning" he says as he pulls from one of his drawers a box, handing it to fred. carefully, fred opens the box to reveal a pink, long belt, all around it it says "{Y/N} is the best at everything"

"put it in!" the class cheers him on, and he rolls his eyes. "fine fine..." he mummbles, standing up, "for the sake of the game" he loops the belt through the pants, and closes it around himself as the class keeps laughing.

"when does it end?" lupin asks with a smirk, "weekend" fred replies boredly. "brace yourself" lupin smirks as be turns back to the board and keeps teaching.

three more classes passed, fred owning the prank proudly through the whole day. even though you pranked him, he liked that he could wear it, as if marked by you. now, everyone knows youre his, and hes yours. and that you were a decent prankster. he didnt care the pictures snapping around him throughout the whole day. memories.

finally lunch rolled in, and you sat with your friends at the gryffindor table, just chatting. then, you heard the chatter in the hall die down, and being replaced with laughter and giggles, a grin forms on your face when you hear it.

you turn around to see george, beside him your hot pink boyfriend with a smirk, walking to you, followed by lee whos still in a fit of laughter. "youre looking shiny" you smile as he stands above you, hands on his hips. "haha very funny" he smirks as he sits down beside you, wrapping his hand around you and kissing your cheek.

"lupin enjoyed the prank" george smiles. "round three" you smile smugly, drinking from your cup. "oh you just wait..." fred smirks, nudging your shoulder.

after a few more minutes of chatting and eating, an owl flies by and drops on georges plate a red envelope. "oh no..." he says cautiously, lifting up the envelope to show it around. "o-ohh noo..." your words drag out as you smirk slowly, giggling carefully.

"open it" harry beckons, and the redhead sighs, opening the howler. it drops from his hands and floats up in the air once again, but faces fred, not george. you and him exchange a quick look.

"fredrick weasley!" mollys voice shouts from the envelope, and he flinches back a little. "what were you thinking, drenching your girlfriend in green slime?!" she shouts. "you should be greatful that she loves you, because i certanly cant imagine how its possible!" she shouts loudly, blows her tounge, and tears itself apart.

"that wasnt me" you answer freds glare, hands in the air to show innocence. fred glares around the table, looking for the one who told molly. everyone shakes their heads, until his eyes land on ginny who just smiles at her plate. "my own sister..." he shakes his head, glaring at her playfully.


it was almost nighttime already, and you walk into fred and georges dorm with a towel over your head, fresh out of the shower. some nights you would sleep apart, and some times you would sleep in one of your dorms.

today, you walk into their dorm and find both twins sitting on freds bed, a notebook between the two. "planning are we?" you smirk as you crawl behind fred and drap your hands over his shoulders. he puts his fingers through yours and kisses the back of your hand, rubbing the back of your hand on his cheek. he loved how soft your skin were.

"ita nothing my dear" fred smiles as you look over his shoulder at the notebook. "mhm, sure" you smile, kissing the back of his head and placing your chin on top of his head, looking at george. hes laughing for some reason.

"whats so funny?" you ask, raising your eyebrow, and his laughter becomes louder, "have you seen yourself?" he asks through his laughs, and your face drops. "oh no..." you whisper as you get off of the bed and run over to the mirror, pulling off the towel from your head.

pink. your hair it hot pink. you let out a shrieking shout before storming back to the bed, hands clenched to fists as you launch at fred whos laughing loudly. "im going to kill you" you let him know, and he keeps laughing at you, looking at your newly pink wet hair.

you try to playfully hit him, maybe ticklimg him instead of hitting. he simply laughs, trying to push you off, battling with keeping breathing through his laughs. eventually, he grabs your wrists and twists you back to the bed, pinning your hands above your head with a smirk.

"{H/C} suits you better" he mocks. by now, george is rolling on the floor with laughter. "you..." you growl, squnting your eyes at him. he laughs before leaning down and giving you a soft kiss "dont worry its temporary" he whispers against your lips before kissing you again.


the next morning, everything was as usual, you got ready for the day, except for the fact your head was painted such a bright pink it was blinding. "oh my god..." hermione laughs as she sees you, harry and ron immediatly falling into a fit of laughter.

"careful with your tounge, or i might put you in the middle of this war" you threatened with a smirk, pointing at the three.


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yours, the red demon♧

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